
It tookan hour before their knots slipped from me.

We had lain in bliss, locked together in a tangle of limbs, the Synians icy fingers running over me, teeth running over me as they drank from me. When their knots finally slipped free, the Synians were spent. I, however, was ready for me.

I needed more, a feeling that wouldn't leave until my heat did.

I was an animal. A needy, horny as hell fuck-monster.

"Where are you going?" I reached for Garret as he twisted away from me, giving Elliot a kiss before he began to rise. It was such a simple motion, but my chest tightened, the tension growing painful as Parris too went to slip away from the bed. "Where are you both going?"

Okay, this feeling was new. Even for a heat I was never this needy. This weak.

"Have I taught you nothing?" Elliot grumbled, kissing Garret on the lips before he pushed him back down onto the bed beside me. "You don't leave your Omega. Either of you. Lay your asses back down."

"I don't want--" Parris began, only to have Elliot snarl at him with the sound that could not have been human. Parris's eyes flashed red, a spark of anger pilling at his fangs before I grabbed him, my hand wrapping around his elbow as I nudged him back down.

"Please," I whispered, that tightness in my chest easing as Parris turned and his eyes instantly dipped to gold.

"Don’t worry, darling. I’m not going anywhere." Parris muttered underneath his breath as he tucked himself against me again, his arms wrapping around me from one direction just as Garret's did from the others.

That was all it took to make all that tension vanish. I sunk into them, all the tight bits of my body uncoiling for the first time. It was almost as though I knew they would hold me together.

"See," Elliot laughed as he stood on the side of the bed, looking over us with his hands on his hips like he was some kind of God. "You have to take care of an Omega the right way."

"Well, then educate us, you horned bastard," Parris spat, his arm going tense. "What is the right way?"

"This is the right way." I snuggled into him more, breathing over his neck.

"Hold her, care for her, you want to support her. Omega's a weak, especially after sex in the middle of a heat. She will still be wanting, and you need to protect that. Omega’s are made to fit with their Alpha, to support them... they need to be treated like the delicate beauties they are," Elliot continued, he sounded like a walking, talking 'How to be an Omega' handbook. I barely heard him, I was too busy burrowing into Parris. He smelled so good. I hadn't noticed that before. But then I hadn't really had a chance to snuggle into them and inhale before.

I turned, scenting the air like a dog as I took in the strangely floral bouquet that Parris was putting off and inhaled the deep aroma that was drifting from Garret. I pressed my nose against the hollow of his neck, sniffing as what I could have sworn was the aroma of rain drifted from him.

"You smell like rain," I inhaled again, Garret shivering against me before his hand wrapped around my back, pressing me closer.

"And you smell like candy and a winter wind," he responded, his cool breath moving over my neck as he too inhaled. A second later Parris was there, pressed against my back as we all lay there sniffing at each other like weirdos.

"No, it's the beach and sunshine," Parris whispered, his voice almost sounding choked. "But that's... how is that... you smelled like a rainy day to me before."

"It's the bond," Elliot whispered after a second, his dark voice interrupting our furious sniffing.

"The bond? But they are already my Alphas. I am already their Omega." I lifted my wrist, tilting my neck to one side so that Elliot could see the brands and bite marks there, just in case he had already forgotten. His eyes darkened, his lips pulling into a scowl as he folded the coiled muscles in his arms over his chest.

"Yes, but they haven't been allowed an Omega in centuries. It is one thing to bond an Omega, it is another to find your mate.” Elliot's muscles flexed with each word.

"Is that why I smell different? Why do they smell different?" I had to take another whiff, it was like breathing in my favorite foods, and I wanted to eat them. See if they tasted the same as they smelled. I already knew what I wanted to taste.

Cock. Cum. I even kinda wanted to taste their blood. If they had blood. Was that weird? I didn’t care.

My slick was flooding me again just by thinking about it.

"Yes. But it is also why they didn't kill you. Even when they drank from you." I could have sworn Elliot was smiling that time, but right then I could care less. Garret was up, Parris was staring blankly at me, and at the scattered bite marks on my shoulders from where he had fed from me as they were knotted inside of me.

"Wait." I fingered one of the bites, it wasn't healed, even with the magical properties in a Synian bite. "But didn't you say that Synians kill Omegas?"

"Yes, their blood is addictive. It's..." Garret brushed his finger against a bite mark on the other side of my neck. "We’ve only ever killed them…"

“So why didn’t you kill me?”