
"Those bastards thinkthey can get away with this?" I roared as I threw the lamp to the other side of the room, the expensive glass shattering just inches from Grina's head. He didn't even flinch, the woman that was kneeling between his legs with his cock in her mouth, however, did.

Grina groaned and pressed her back down, the woman giving a soft moan of fear even as she continued to service him.

"Did you really expect them to do anything else?" Grina spoke in half a moan, his eyes closed as he held the woman's head against his lap, her body twitching as he finished down her throat. “I told you this was a bad idea from the start.”

"I expected to be able to take her before now," I snarled, nose twitching as the scent of his cum wafted over to be, large drops of it sliding from the girl's lips as she moved to lay against his thigh.

"I told you that this was a bad idea," Grina said, stroking the girl's head. "You need yourself a good maiden. You need someone dedicated to you to fuck and suck and--"

"And what happens when there are no more maidens?" I spat, rounding on him. The girl in his lap flinched. Grina usually had a maiden with him, although we had accidentally killed his last one the last time I had vented my anger over my Omega being torn from me.

No wonder this one was afraid. Although, I had no use for her anymore. I had tasted my Omega when she was in heat. I had scented her heat, tasted the slick of her. I had listened to her beg for me to breed her.

I needed more. I needed to suck her. I needed to fuck her cunt. I was still hard, still searching for her.

I felt like a caged animal, pacing as though I was searching for a way out of this. I already knew the only way out of this.

I needed my Omega.

I needed Parris and Garret out of the way. Luckily, I had an easy way to do that.

"Stop with the doomsday premonitions, Aldric. There will always be Beta's waiting for a Synian to have their way with them. And there will be another Omega, one that you can fuck to death if you so wish," Grina said, stroking his maiden's head even as she flinched at the idea of being fucked to death.

I stopped my pacing, turning toward Grina as I stared at him, as I prepared to set my trap.

"Wait. Are you saying there is a shortage?" He stood, the woman sliding from his lap, her naked body curling into itself a bit. "I heard rumors but..."

He stared at me, practically begging me to say more. Perfect.

I wasn’t exactly lying, there was a shortage, but it wasn’t dire, and all we needed to do was take out that damn church to solve it. Easy.

Theon and I had agreed to destroy the church, but Theon had lost track of that when his chance to face Healynas had come. He had done his own thing, so I would do mine. I would take what I needed, and I knew just the way to do that.

"There is, Grina," I spoke low, driving my point home. "If it continues we will have to do something. Garret and Parris want to destroy Theon's coven. He left them after all and the less mouths we have to feed..."

"Theon's coven? But they've all sworn to you." Grina stepped closer, all thought of his maiden gone, even though she was now listening to our conversation with wide eyes.

"Exactly," I didn't bother to keep my voice down. "So, now my coven is bigger than theirs. We can take them down and they don't want that, so they want to cut us down."

They wouldn’t, and as far as I knew they had no intentions to. But it didn’t matter, they had something I wanted now.

I needed to destroy any others with a claim on her. No one else could have her.

I had just had a taste, but I needed more. I was no longer willing to share.

"So, why don't we just take them out before they have a chance to come to us. You know that we will all follow you." He was right, I did know that. Which was exactly why I was placing these pawns where I was.

"If we did this, we would have to be careful," I hissed, suddenly worried that this maiden would take the information to the wrong people. The last thing I needed was for Garret or Parris's coven to get word of this. They may not be able to stop us, but Parris and Garret could hide my Omega. She was the only reason I was doing this.

"They are locked away for the next two days. We would have to strike before then, when they aren't prepared for us." Just thinking about them in there with her was driving me forward. I would take them on myself if needed, but this way I could take down more than my brothers, I could take down their coven's. I could rise above them all.

Who needed Theon and his damn Fae bastard. I had my own right here, and soon I would have control of the Synians.

"Locked away?" Grina asked, but I waved him off. None of that was important to him.

"I need you to gather the heads of the houses in both my and Theon’s covens. We have some things to discuss." Grina nodded once in agreement, already grabbing at the leash he had around his girl's neck for her to follow.

"Yes, my king," Grina began, already halfway to the door when I stepped in front of him, my hand outstretched.

"Leave the maiden. She's heard too much and I can't risk word getting out," I commanded, earning myself a look from Grina. He had just chosen this girl after I had killed the last one, and one look in his eyes and he already knew he would have to pick another.

"I'll be gentle," I lied, if only to stop the girl from shaking. She gave me one panicked look as Grina handed over her leash, his cum quivering on her chin. If only she could satiate me in that way.

But I was locked in hell, the angel who could save me just out of reach.

With a snarl, I ripped my fangs into her neck just as Grina left.

I was hungry, after all.