"Let him knot her," Elliot whispered, his warm fingers leaving the absolute flood of my slick. "Ease your knot from her and take this instead."

His finger pressed against my asshole, the so recently stretched bit of skin taking him greedily.

"Fuck her ass, and I'll fuck yours." Elliot said, all of us moaning at the implication, at the promise of cock burrowed into me, into Garret.

"But the knot." Garret's hands spread my cheeks, even as he tried to pull himself from me.

My body opened up, my hips aching even as my core screamed with delight.

"She's slick," Elliot said, pressing his finger deeper into my asshole, using it as leverage against Garret's knot. His finger hooked inside of me rubbing against the bugle of Garret's knot through me. I moaned, trying to tilt toward him even as I was locked against Garret. "See, she wants it, and you always give your Omega's what they want, especially when they are in heat."

"Please." I moaned, burrowing my face into Parris's neck as he settled beneath me, his hands cupping my breasts, pinching my nipples between his knuckles as he massaged them.

"Besides," Elliot chuckled, sliding in another finger, preparing me for Garret's entry. "Stretching her like that will feel good, then Parris can knot her."

"And I can knot her ass." The pressure of Garret's hand grew, my cunt spreading as he eased his knot from me.

"No!" I howled, but they didn't stop, Elliot’s fingers hooked inside my ass, pressing against Garret's knot as he moaned, Parris's hands holding me against him, spreading my cheeks as Garret's knot popped free.

"Now, your cunt is mine. Let me claim my Omega." Even after the stretch of Garret's knot, Parris's cock filled me. It felt just as wide and long as it had before, his length claiming me with one thrust. "Fuck! Fuck!"

He slammed into me twice, my stomach bulging from the intrusion. It hurt, but the pain was a warm need, helped along by hot hands that left the tight pucker of my ass, only to spread me for a cold, slick, cock. Garret slipped inside, his cock sliding in just as Parris's had. I could feel them each inside of me, side by side, twitching, pulsing, begging to begin to claim me.

"Now for me," Elliot whispered from somewhere in the dark. I just clung to the bed linens, burying my face into the softness of my nest as my two Alpha's mated me.

Garret shifted inside of me, his cock twitching as my asshole spread, as his knot went down and the rest of him slipped in.

"Fuck me," Garret commanded, his tone little more than a moan as Elliot grunted, one press of his cock into Garret's ass slamming him more into mine, pressing Parris deeper into me.

"God! Fuck me!" I yelled, knowing full well that Elliot was in control. We all did.

With each of his powerful thrusts, my body was filled with the cocks of my Alphas. They howled as they took me, as their cocks claimed me with a violent animalistic need. Claws dug into my back, my skin sliced as warm blood began to poor over my skin.

"Lick." Elliot commanded, and Garret did, his tongue pulling over the blood as he moaned. "But, do not suck."

Parris didn't need more of a command than that, he smiled at me with a wicked grin, his lips brushing against mine for half a breath before his fangs broke the skin below his brand. My blood poured from my neck, the power of his bite turning me into a hungry needy thing as I screamed, as they fucked me.

I thought I was an animal before, it was nothing to what I was now. I howled as they pressed into me in tandem, their cocks bulging inside my body as they roared, their movements turning feral as they lapped at my blood.

They moved faster, claws and teeth slicing into my skin as I bled more, as tongues and fingers and gripping desperate hands spread my blood over us. The scent of my blood, of my slick, of my heat permeated the air, making my head spin at the claimed me. As they came.

Cocks slammed into me as one, my body screaming at the intrusion that grew as both of them knotted me. But I wasn't the only one. Garret yelled in both agony and delight as Elliot knotted him, as we all locked together.

Cum filled me, my body stretching to accommodate in ways I didn't think was possible. Every inch of my core was stretched. It burned. It screamed. And yet, it was fulfilled. That need that I had spent my whole life with, that gnawing hole that screamed at me to be filled.

It was finally filled.

I was full of cum, my body being used as it should. My openings were stretched and claimed by my Alphas who clung me to them as we all collapsed into the bed, their knots keeping all of us together.

"Our Omega," Parris whispered before he kissed me, Garret massaging my breasts as he licked at some of the blood on my neck.

The touch was so much more tender than every other time Aldric had done it. Aldric, who should be here, who I had wanted here. Now that I was lying in a tangle with my mates he didn’t seem to feel as missing as he was before. It was as though he missed something big and didn’t fit anymore.

"Or beautiful, Omega," Garret added, and I twisted, needing to kiss him, needing to see his face as he remained locked inside of me.

Instead, I came face to face with Elliot, his lips pressed against his lover's temple even as he looked right at me.

Green eyes the color of sky took my breath away, my body twitching as he smiled, as something between us flared to life. He had said before that I would be trouble for him. I think I knew what that meant.

I needed his knot too.

And I think he wanted to give that to me.