I clearly should have tried this before. I just assumed the beat up overalls with their oversized pockets would work. I should have factored in the ridiculously small size of women's pockets. Clearly the makers of women’s pants hadn’t thought that someone would like to store a stake in their pocket when they headed out to do some Synian murdering.

With no other option, I undid the bib and shoved the stake down the front of my tank top. I didn’t really know where else to put a weapon, and at least this way I could distract them with my boobs or something if it came down to it.

From everything I had heard about vamps they were sex-loving demons, so they would for sure be distracted by a good set of boobs. And I had a good set. I may be starving skinny, but my boobs could knock over a convenience store all on their own. Thanks, Mom.

“I’m coming Jett,” I whispered before I threw the door open and made my way toward the crowd that began screaming at me the second they realized where I was headed.

Oh great. I guess I should have packed a cross or something to keep them at bay. Is that how crosses worked? I honestly had no clue.

“Healynas loves you!”

“Save your soul for Healynas!”

“Don’t let the Devil take your virtue! Save yourself for Healynas.” Yep. They totally wanted Fae sex.

They screamed in my ear as though shaming me was going to make me change my mind. Idiots. It was only propelling me forward, though I was starting to wonder if I needed to use my stake on them just to get up to the red door.

“Don’t let his gift to you go to waste!”

“Healynas died for nothing if you don’t ride a Synian cock like a cowboy at least once,” I snapped back, causing a few of them to gasp like old ladies. Considering Healynas died evicting the Synians from Xerai, I had to assume I pretty much just committed blasphemy.

I let them sit on that visual and muscled my way past them, tightening the straps on my overalls into a weird makeshift belt as I ran up the black marble steps before they could follow me.

Not that they did. They stood at the bottom, staring up at me as they screamed and waved their signs like something was physically keeping them away. Probably was. I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t some kind of witch’s spell there to keep them out. Not that I knew how witches worked. They were about as elusive as the Fae.

I stuck my tongue out at them and pressed the button for entry, the loud sound booming through my chest. It sounded exactly the same as it had before. The low buzz of the bell had haunted me enough over the last few months, and now here I was, staring it down.

Ready to take on a whole ten story building full of Synians, like I had any chance.

The door swung open silently, the screams of the protestors fading to nothing as I stepped into the white tile room and the door closed with a silent woosh of air.

Okay, I guess now I needed to figure out how to kill some Synians with one stake and a pair of boobs.

Should be easy for an Omega, right? Never mind that I had just walked into the lion’s den.

I really should have planned ahead.