
"She's going into heat?"Dawn was shrieking, standing between me and the door like she had turned into a wall. "Now? Now-now? Right when you brought her down here, with all the Synians that have zero control?"

"Yes." Elliot nodded. He really didn't seem concerned about this. And why would he when he smelled like that? Did magical butterflies have a smell, because I was pretty sure he smelled like magical butterflies.

Was that even a thing?

You know what? I didn't really care. He smelled like magical butterflies and I wanted to feel them flutter around inside of me. I wanted to feel him flutter around inside of me.

Oh God. I hadn't gone into heat in months, and I could already tell this one might be more intense. Frenzies were one thing, it was like being horny on a nuclear reactor, but now I knew just how much of a warm-up act they were. Before, my heats were spent locked in a room as I slept. But there were men here. Alphas with cocks and cum and all the things I needed.

And man, I really, really needed them.

Heats were feral, they were more than just 'Man your junk would feel nice inside my junk'. They called every Alpha with the ability to cum to me. Which was great, because I wanted their cum. All of their cum. I wanted it everywhere, and I wanted it now because heats were meant to do one thing... breed me. And damn it all if I didn't want to be bred.

"You are an idiot," Dawn snarled, still making a wall. Fine by me, it gave me a chance to get closer to the wind monster that was made of magical butterflies.

"What do you taste like?" I moaned, leaning into him and taking a big whiff.

"Like pelican vomit shoved up a dragon's asshole," Elliot answered, peeling me away from him.

"Ew," Dawn said and I forced myself away from the very masculine non-Fae creature that was starting to smell like something I could eat. I tried to lick him before I caught myself. Because that was normal.

Thankfully, I had just enough sense left to realize what he said, and just how far down the wide hole of heat I had fallen.

"Oh god, I need to get out of here." Breathe, Jaide. I needed to breathe.

"You think?" Dawn laughed at me before rounding on Elliot, jabbing her finger into his chest just as a shout or two echoed around the hall. I guess my smell was stretching. "You know what they will do to her."

"And how do you want me to get her out of here," Elliot said, peeling me off of him again. Why did he keep doing that? He was an Alpha. Didn't he want me?

"I don't know. You're a Synian. You brought her here, speed her out." Dawn's hand was on the door, ready to swing it open. The snarling on the other side was growing louder, whoever had smelled me growing closer.

They smelled good too...

"Thing about that is, I'm not a Synian." Elliot smelled better than what was on the other side of the door, but if Elliot wouldn't take me.... I took one step toward the door when Dawn pushed me back.

"What? You know what? Nevermind. Just get her out, Christian."

"My name is also not Christian," he said as he tried to get me to stand next to him. Not gonna happen, I officially needed to lick that magical butterfly flavoring off of him.

"What?" Dawn was shrieking, the sound loud enough to send me back down to earth long enough that I could see straight for half a second.

"Can't you just wind me away like last time?" I gasped as I tried to control my heart rate.

"No, I can't. It takes too much energy to transport much of anything, and I can't make portals. I'm not a Fae," he said, as if I needed to be reminded.

"I know, you're a--" Elliot cut me off with a look and shook his head. Dawn was now looking like a cross between constipated, furious, and confused. Contifurypated.

"Contifurypated." It was even fun to say. I giggled, both of them staring at me. I knew full well that it would not be funny when my heat faded and I came back to my senses.

But now was not that time!

"Is that why you don't like clothes? I don't like clothes on you, either." My hand twisted over Elliot's abs, which felt just as amazing as they looked, thank you very much. I wanted to discover more, but he swatted me away, although I could have sworn he groaned.

"Yes. It is why I don't like clothes."

"So, you won't transport me, but you'll keep the butt plug in?" I leaned around to get a look at the thing, Dawn giggling as Elliot’s scowl took on a whole new layer of trouble.