"What you are?" I repeated the question. He nodded and crossed his legs, the tail flopping down the side of the chaise.

"Yes. Betas, the blood slaves, its quick for them. Witches even faster. Lyrous... Well, they and Fae are different aren't they?"

I looked up from the papers I was flitting through to stare at him. "Are you really asking me that? You know I don't know. I don't even know what you are."

"I told you, I'm a Sylph." Why did he honestly think that was answering my question?

"A sylph, which turns into wind?" When I said it like that it was just more nonsense. “That doesn’t make sense.”

He smiled. "Don't worry, it doesn’t have to. We are a dying breed, there are only a handful of us left."

"I guess the rest were lost to the wind?" I snickered, he growled so loud that the papers that I had been shifting through flew from my hands. Not that it mattered, I wasn't finding anything other than a journal of sex acts. Seeing as it concerned my brother I really had no interest in reading more. "Okay, so no wind jokes. Noted."

"Jokes about the end of a race are generally always considered in bad taste." His voice had gone dark. I looked at him, but it was clear I wasn't getting any more information. He just sat there, stroking his tail.

"So what did they find when they searched his room?" I changed the subject, hoping to get us back on track.

"Besides his sex diary and some old books about Fae? Nothing. Although judging by the books I would say he knew something, not that the ‘Lord of the Rings’ is a history." Elliot grabbed the book off the top of the pile, flipping through the dusty pages as I looked at the rest of the titles.

The Care and Mating of Omegas, A Fae Life, The Forgotten Peril of the Fae.“The Care and Mating of Omegas isn't about Fae," I started, looking up to where Elliot was now reading.

"Yes it is. Omegas are Fae. You are Fae." He stared at me with that cocky air of his, like I was too slow on the uptake. I shook my head, homeboy didn't know everything.

"Not all Omegas are Fae." I shook my head and stepped to the wardrobe and the assortment of transparent shifts that hung there.

"Fine. Every Omega I’ve met on this side of Xerai is Fae. Better?" And now he was laughing at me. Cocky much?

"The dragons in Pyre have Omegas. So do the wolves in Qyinnz. The humans have Omegas." I was one hundred percent certain in my proclamation, and Elliot just laughed at me.

"The Fae created the Lyrous, the shifters. They bred them using the Omegas and the witches’ magic. It's how they built their armies. Every human Omega I've met has Fae blood in them. The Betas that Healynas sent over here to do his dirty work aren't eunuchs."

"But they said--"

"They aren't Eunuchs," he repeated, slower that time. "Although they will tell you anything for a good bang. Never trust a Fae." He snapped the book shut and slammed it back on the nightstand. I flinched. Dude had some serious battle scars.

"Noted. And how about Synians? Seeing as I've been purchased by three and my brother dragged off by one, they don't seem very trustworthy."

"I take those on a case by case basis. Aldric? Asshole. Theon? Bigger asshole. Parris is decent, if not a little bit of a sex-starved, ego-driven Synian with a god complex. Garret? Well..."

"You like him," I began, but Elliot was up, tail swishing behind him, cock before him as he put his hands on his hips.

"Are you done? I'm ready to go." I've heard of guys running hot and cold, but Elliot was like a broken light switch flickering to life at the worst moments.

I took a step back, not wanting to get in the way of any glitter explosions. Glitter in your ass crack was worse than a butt plug, and I could say that confidently now.

"Almost. There is one place I haven't looked yet, and if they searched the room I doubt they would find it. Years ago when we were living in a homeless shelter he would put snacks for me in places the other people couldn't find while he was at work." I sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing as I tried to find the sag in the mattress. The poor thing was thin and overused, so it didn't take long.

I gave it one more bounce before shifting to the side, reaching under the frame and producing my prize.

A strip of paper.

"You would eat paper?" Elliot was trying his very best not to sound impressed and failing.

"Yes. Delicious paper." I rolled my eyes at him and uncoiled the tightly rolled sheet, Jett’s familiar cramped writing revealing itself one line at a time.

"Girar the second. The Fiara. Jimni Krint. Exri Flil." I stumbled through half a dozen names more before reaching the end. "Healynas” was written at the bottom and underlined twice. The Fae king was the only thing that made a damn bit of sense, and even then it was just another gibberish word after a long line of gibberish. "What is this?"

"It's names." Elliot said, clearing nothing up as he snatched the paper from me. "Fae names. Most of these are leaders of the houses, or there... How did he get this?"