This hallway wasn’t made of tile, it was made of grey stone and looked just about as slime covered as the staircase. It wasn’t just the stone and the metal that were slimy, even the air had a grime to it. It was thick, making it hard to breathe. My head spun. If I hadn’t just gone down some stairs I would have sworn I was up too high and couldn’t breathe.

“What is this place?” I was ready to charge in when Elliot pulled me back, flipping the collar up on the robe before tightening it around me.

“It’s one of the blood halls, and you need to be careful.”

“Careful?” Did he just miss me free-falling?

“Yes. If anyone sees your brands… if any of the Synians figures out you are an Omega...” He trailed off and my chest tightened. Oh yeah, that kind of careful.

Yeah, this was clearly going to end well, especially given Parris and Garret’s warning about Synians and Omegas.

I was suddenly questioning if this was a good idea at all.

“Keep the collar up, stay close to me. If we play this right we won’t draw any attention to ourselves.”

“No attention? I’m wearing a red fur coat that looks like I pulled it off a king, you are buck naked, and you have a tail!” There was no way in hell someone wasn’t going to notice us wandering around down here.

“You have no idea what you were sold into, do you? You have no clue what your brother endured. Now you will know.”

He opened the door wider and I stepped into the hallway. Into hell.