
"Give me the log."I didn't even wait for the lesser Synian at the desk to respond to my request before I snatched the forms off the desk, flipping through the last few days of intakes.

All empty.

I resisted the urge to rip the papers to shreds, to rip the weak little Synian to shreds. Parris always had a habit of staffing the lobby with his weak Synians, the poor females who had never grown into the Alpha strength of our kind. It was no wonder the Omega had killed one so easily.

The Omega.


Fury licked against my spine and I growled, rounding on the Synian again. For the second time those two had taken my Omega from me, this time my cock had been inside of her, she had been screaming for me. I needed release. I needed one of the scared cunts that wandered in here hoping to serve their six months and get wealthy. I needed to sink my cock into the tight screaming hole of a scared maiden.

"Where are the logs?" I yelled, slamming the papers back on the desk. I glared at the Synian, waiting for her answer, even though I already knew what it was. "Where are the new arrivals?"

“There haven’t been any more." Her voice shook, her eyes a deep gold as she looked up at me. "There haven’t been any since Jaide. Not since the Church of the Fae showed up."

The Church of the Fae. We didn't know where they had popped up from or when, but they had been a pain in our sides since they first appeared outside our door, whisking off the Covenless to some kind of rehabilitation, scaring off our new arrivals. They had even begun job centers to keep people away from us.

It took us centuries to get this far, and even then it took a war and the complete collapse of society for us to regain a foothold. If the Church of the Fae kept going we would have to take over Sypani in its entirety, something that Garret and Parris had fought Theon and I on. Now, with Theon gone...

We needed blood, and if we couldn't get it here we would get it from the Fae.

For now, I needed to find a place to put my knot. If the arrivals kept decreasing it would become impossible to find a place to sink my teeth into. I needed my Omega.

I roared in frustration, staring at the CCTV behind the desk of the protestors that surrounded our doors. Old men, women with wispy hair, children... but there, in the back was a girl. She couldn't have been older than twenty, although just looking at her I could tell she was of age. She had revealed as a Beta, otherwise I would have already had her. Although with how out of place she looked among the others, she could be an Omega. She was scared, confused, and continually glanced at the door as if she was more than a little interested.

She wanted this, even if she didn't know yet.

"She'll do," I snarled to myself, leaving the receptionist alone as I swooped back toward the white tile hall and side door that would take me to the alley right behind the protesters, right behind the girl and her virgin cunt. She would give me what I wanted.

My fangs were already descending at the thought of her, at the expectation of her taste, of feeling her body clench around my dick. Or feeling her scream as her fear coated my tongue.

"Come to daddy, you bad girl." I swung the door open on silent hinges, the dark alley exposing itself to me in the scent of sex on filth.

This reminded me so much of where I had gotten the idea for the blood auctions and the Blood Maidens in the first place. An island in the Bay of Blood. An island of demons. I had spent a year there, feasting on flesh with creatures who had been trapped there by a god long since passed.

I was still amazed I had been able to escape, not that it would have been bad to be trapped there with the horned and webbed monsters of the underworld.

There was more flesh to feast on.

But I did love the joy of the hunt.

"Save your virtue. Praise Healynas. Do not give yourself to the demons." Their nonsense chants echoed over the dark stone, their signs waving in the air as they faced the alley and the main street just beyond. With their backs to me they didn't even see my shadow stretch over them, they didn't see me approach.

The closer I got to her, the more I could smell her. The fear. The need. The desire. She did want us. Perfect.

I grabbed her like a fox his prey, my arms twisting around her torso as I yanked her against me before letting my speed take control and with one burst of cold air whisked her back into the hall, the door silently shutting behind us.

"What--?" she squeaked before I slapped my hand over her mouth, cutting her off. I pressed her back against my torso, one hand over her mouth, the other over her beautifully flat belly.

"Hello, pet. I am hoping you can help me," I whispered against her ear as she began to writhe under my grip, her muttered protests lost in the icy cold of my palm. "You see, I am in need of release, and I have a feeling you would like to help me. Would you like to help me? Would you like to experience the bite of a Synian? Would you like to experience the cock of a Synian?" I didn't remove my hand, I just gripped tighter, listening to the delightful mumbles of her protest as my hand began to dip lower.

She stilled.

I could hear her heart over her startled gasps. The thunder of it steadied as my palm pressed right above her mound, the scent of her sex drifting up to me.

“Would you like that?” I asked, her panicked whimpers turning to something more pleasurable.