My body was heating, my legs shaking, my core needy and dripping. So, I did what I did best. Blurted out the first thing on my mind.

"Why do your eyes change color?" I was owned by three Synians, all of which wanted desperately to fuck me, bite me, and use me to kill a Fae king (apparently). And there I went asking about his eye color.

Thankfully Parris smiled, his hand lifting to my arm as he traced one icy line after another over my bare skin.

"Synian eyes change color depending on mood," he said, and I nodded. I had mostly figured that out.

"Not just when you are hungry?" I asked. That had been my first guess. They just looked so frightening with red eyes. Like they were ready to eat you.

"Well, we do tend to get hungrier when we are angry," he whispered, his teeth elongating and pulling at his lip. My stomach clenched, the reminder of what his bite felt like, and what it did to me, almost too much.

"That's the worst kind of stress eating I've ever heard of," I said, and he smiled, his long fangs pulling into focus just as his eyes flashed red. "So red for anger. What about gold?"

"No, red is mischief, gold is calm, brown is desire, and black..." His tone had dropped into a menacing growl and I pulled away, or would have if his fingers hadn't cupped my elbow and brought me closer to him, the chill of his body against mine now.

"What is black?" My voice caught with a high pitched squeak.

"Pray you never see black, least of all in Aldric or this will seem like dessert." His fingers fluttered down over the globe of my ass to tap against the silver plug there again.

I tensed, my body feeling like a coiled spring as I clamped down against the plug. I had already seen Aldric’s eyes go black, when he had made me bow, when he had made me call him daddy. He had made me say things I didn’t want to say. I didn’t want to know what else he could do.

Parris tapped the plug again and I made a sound that was half a moan. Parris grinned as he pulled me to him, our bodies flat against each other as he grabbed my knee to hitch it over his hip, spreading me and exposing me to his searching fingers.

"Does it at least feel good? Now that it's in?" Parris whispered, tapping and spinning and wiggling it again. Somehow every time he did it made me wetter, made my body rattle with deeper groans of desire. I pressed my lips together and nodded, hoping it was enough of an answer.

“Tell me, darling.” He spun it again.

"It's too much," I moaned. "Master," I added hastily as he clicked his tongue.

"Yes. It may all be too much. But it's what we paid for."

"I thought... you paid for... weapon." I was clearly delirious.

He spun with each phrase until he froze, his eyes flashing black for the briefest of moments.

"Ahhh... It seems Aldric ran his tongue while he was filling your ass." The playful tone was gone, his fingers no longer spinning the plug and instead just resting above it, tapping my tailbone and the crisscross of diced skin there. Parris frowned when he felt it, but said nothing.

"No." I shook my head furiously. I had no interest in making Aldric mad, or seeing what Aldric being mad would lead to. Parris wasn't buying it though, although now I had no idea what to tell him.

'No, it wasn't Aldric. A man who Garret fucks in the ass and can turn into smoke told me.' That answer seemed plausible. Cue the eye roll. Except now that I was thinking about it I was beginning to wonder if Elliot was real at all. I had never seen him with anyone else, and I was half asleep when I saw him with Garret. It was silly, but it would explain that whole turning into air thing... Oh god! Not only was I stuck in a Synian-dom porno, but I was losing my mind.

"Are you sure Synian bites only make you addicted, or can they make you delusional too?" I rubbed my temple as though that would somehow let me make sense of anything.

"Excuse me? Are you quite well, darling?" Parris was laughing at me. There was something about that light laugh, about the half-smile and the warm brown of his eyes that made me forget he was a scary Synian. Or that he owned me. Any other time I might have swooned over him for other reasons.

"Nothing." I quickly sidestepped, I hadn't meant to say that out loud anyway. "It's just been... well... I hadn't planned on this happening."

He was laughing again. "Did you really think you were going to take down a building full of Synians, then? Did you really think we were going to let an Omega go."

I pressed my lips together. Yes, I had. His answering smile knew that too.

"You are brave," he whispered, his fingers running over my plug again. "Stupid. But brave."

"I wasn't going to let you guys just devour my brother." I tried to move away from him before his fingers brought me right back, his cock twitching between us as he held me there.

"You must really care for him to take on a building full of Synians," Parris whispered, his fingers returning to my ass.

It took actual physical restraint to keep myself from rolling my eyes at that.