
“No, your cock is on your body.”

“Fine, it’s a cast of my cock when I’m aroused and knotted, ready to claim my Omega.” He leaned in, hovering over me as he smiled. I would have jumped up if it wasn’t for the plug. I tried anyway and was sent back down.

“You're an Alpha?” I nearly shrieked in question. He just smiled. I should have figured that out, after all. He said the dildo was modeled after his dick, and only Alphas could have knots.

Considering I had just woken up to a man in my room the morning after being sold at an auction, it was no wonder I didn’t piece it together. And Elliot seemed to really be enjoying that fact.

“Why didn’t you say so?”

“What? In your twenty questions parade? You didn’t ask if I was an Alpha. You asked if I was an Omega or property. And I’m neither of those.”

Could he stop smiling with that smug grin? It was making it really hard to think, mostly because he was smoking hot and the smile wasn’t helping.

“But if you are an Alpha..?” I cut myself off, forcing myself to look away from the smile that was clearly one step ahead of me and toward the table where I had first seen him. “Then why..?”

I cut myself off again. Just thinking about it was pushing my mind into unsafe corners.

“Then why did Garret fuck my ass? Or why did Garret come in my ass?”

“You are not helping.” I clenched my legs together, it only made it all worse.

“Didn’t I say I would come back and answer all your questions? Those sure sounded like questions.” Smug, know-it-all whatever he was.

I scowled at him as though I could melt his face from his body, and he, of course, laughed.

“Fine. You’re an Alpha. But then why are you with another Alpha?” I gestured toward the table before snuggling back into the blanket-towel again.

“Garret? Alphas can form bonds too, little Omega. It is not impossible for an Alpha to find love in other places, you know. Or even with other Alphas.”

“Is that why I haven’t seen him? The others have been here, but not Garret.” I didn’t know why, but admitting that stung a bit. He had been the first to make me come, but then it was like he didn’t exist. Well, except for Elliot.

“He hasn’t been here?” he asked. I shook my head. “Maybe he just doesn’t know what to do with you. Synians have been kept away from Omegas for centuries. What did you expect them to do? Even if they aren’t supposed to take an Omega as a mate, they aren't going to leave you alone.” The bed rocked as Elliot sat down on the foot, throwing his legs up so that his bare feet were pointed right at me. For someone who went around naked all day, he had surprisingly clean feet.

“Parris said that, about not taking mates.”

“Did he say why?” I shook my head and he went on. “Healynas separated them from their mates when the Fae were at war. After they found out, the Synian Queen, Lilith, faced him to reclaim their Omegas, and Healynas killed Lilith and banned them all from Xerai. The Synians were trapped in Syn for centuries before they came here, finally able to feed.”


“The land past the Covern Mountains.” He said it like he wasn’t talking gibberish.

“But there is nothing past the Covern Mountains.” I almost laughed at him.

“And how do you know that? Ever been there? Someone tell you?”

“Fine. Continue.” I guess I would add that to the things we didn’t know about the Synians.

“There were centuries of warring between the four kings were able to bring peace and organize them all to come here, and finally feed. There was an uprising, an underground banishment, another uprising, a few wars… and here we are a thousand years later. History in a nutshell.”

“It sounds like you left out a bit.” Like why Healynas took the Omegas from them, or where they were now, of how Synians can make Synian babies with me.

Not that making babies was on the table, but I still wanted to know.

“What you don’t know won’t kill you.” He threw his hands behind his head. “Besides, hearing about how the Fae double-crossed the Witches and Synians, or how Healynas banished the armies of the four houses and left the dragons and Lyrous to feud amongst themselves is not the greatest story for an Omega trying to come down from a frenzy. We are trying to keep you out of a heat.”

“How would a story about wars make me go into a heat? Besides, that sounds fascinating.” And far more detailed than any book I ever found.