“Icy ass demons!” I yelped and tried to move away, but Dawn's hand was on my back again, firmly holding me in place.

“I told you not to fight,” she hissed.

“I didn’t expect you to shove water up my ass!” I was still wiggling, but she kept holding on, the stream of water growing stronger and stronger, the hot water hitting against me with such force I could have sworn it was going into me.

“I haven’t even gotten to that part yet.”

“Yet? That part!” Oh my Fae.

“Seriously, try to relax. This is a warm up, trust me.”

I could feel the water plunge into me now, forcing my asshole open as the tip of the hose moved its way inside and water flooded me.

My entire body felt as though it was being pumped up, which was making it very hard to focus, right when I needed to.

“Your brother was here for four months before one of the kings took him. Theon spent a day with him, and then he purchased his contract and forced him into his property. Days later, Jett vanished, Theon vanished and then two months later they reappeared, Jett on a chain like a dog as Theon declared war against his brothers.”

I didn’t know how Synian wars panned out, but based on what I saw in the courtyard I had an idea.

“The explosion,” I grunted as the water was thankfully pulled away from my asshole, not that it actually helped the problem I was suddenly faced with.

I was so full of water that I felt as though I was going to explode. I needed a toilet and I needed it now. Problem was, if I moved it was going to turn into a bigger mess.

“Yes, except it wasn’t any of the kings who did that. It was your brother,” Dawn whispered as she reached around, pressing against my stomach and forcing me to do the unthinkable.

Force all of that water back out.

Any dignity that I had was gone in that moment. Tears threatened my eyes as I sighed in relief from the release of pressure, forcing myself to focus on the conversation and not what I was being made to do.

“Jett caused that?” I barely got the words out, and even then they were more of a sob.

“Yes, and then he conjured a portal and vanished with Theon.” Dawn stepped back spraying water over me and cleaning me up.

“A portal?” I was having a hard time thinking straight considering what had just happened, but even I knew I hadn’t heard that term before. When I was in school they only touched on the brief histories of the Synians, the Fae, and the Witches. No talk of magic or history, and certainly no talk of portals.

I had no idea if that was covered in higher education seeing as that cost money and wasn’t really necessary for Omegas.

“Damn girl. How much do you know about this world? A portal, you know, like the kind the Fae can use.” She said it like it was obvious. It probably was, but something about it just wasn’t adding up.

“But how could Jett have done that?

“Seriously? Were you raised in a barn?” More like a dark room to keep the pretty Omega safe, but I wasn’t about to correct her. “Jett did that because he’s from Xerai, and if he is from Xerai…” She looked at me expectantly, but I just stared at her. I knew what she was saying. But it couldn’t be.

It just couldn’t.

“So are you. And all these Synian kings want to share you, because you are the perfect weapon to either stop Theon or beat him in his task.”

“What task?” I asked, just as the water shut off.

“Killing Healynas.”

“Healynas? That dead Fae those zealots worship like he’s going to come down and give them Fae magic? How can you kill someone who is already dead.”

“Easy. He’s not dead.” The words were barely out when the door to the bathroom opened, Aldric sweeping in. He still held the knife, but he wasn’t wearing the suit anymore. Instead, he was dressed in the velvet robe I had seen Elliot wear, the front open and exposing every glorious inch of him.

His skin was pale, the grey sheen glimmering like steel in the light reflecting off the diamonds of the chandelier. It showcased his hairless chest, the deep lines of his muscle, and every wonderful inch of him dangling between his legs. He was partially erect and growing at seeing me there on my knees and elbows, as though bowing to him.

Maybe I was.

I sure as shit didn’t have another option. Not when I was facing down that smile, the glint in his eyes a steely warning that I had no hope of running.

“Wonderful. Wonderful. Now to have some fun.”