
The doorto the bathroom snapped shut, Dawn half pulling me in as Aldric yelled from the bedroom. “You have five minutes to make her presentable, Dawn, or else my pet won’t be the only one screaming for me today.”

“I’m so sorry,” Dawn hissed at me as she dragged me into the bathroom, right toward the oversized tub and one of its ledges. The tile was grippy, which was good, because you get a little bit of water on that and I was going to be flat on my ass. “He found me in the hall and demanded I tell him where you were. And well… you can’t say no to Aldric. If he lets me leave I’ll go find Parris, but if not... You have to do what he says, Jaide. Don’t fight him.”

She was rambling like I did when I was about to have a panic attack, except she actually seemed like she had good reason to, and wasn’t just worried that someone had made her nest smell funny. I didn’t know what to expect, but seeing Aldric standing there with a knife still had my stomach twisted up in knots.

So much for getting any answers.

“What do you mean don’t fight him?” Great. My voice was shaking. This was already off to a great start.

“I mean,” Dawn said, standing me in the center of the ledge as she began furiously playing with the buttons and nozzles on the water faucet, “that if you fight him he’s going to make it worse.”

The sound of running water exploded through the tile bathroom as Dawn turned to face me, pulling down the collar of her robe to reveal a long scar.

The long, jagged line was raised and red as though it was still healing, the gnarled skin running from her nipple to just above her collarbone.

“If I hadn’t stopped fighting he would have killed me.”

“By the fucking moon.” My mouth went dry as I tried not to panic.

I had heard him on the CCTV. I had seen him. Heard that voice slither over me as the woman sobbed, and judging by the way he looked at me, I was going to be on the other end of that. I had never had sex with anything but a rubber cock. I had never been hurt other than a stubbed toe. How the hell was I going to get through this?

“Like I said, you don’t fight Aldric,” she hissed as she ripped the robe from my body. I shimmied like a seal trying to cover myself up, but she just laughed. “If you hate me just looking at you, you are going to hate what happens next.”

“What happens next?” Oh god, why did I ask that? I didn’t want the answer to it, but now I was stuck staring at Dawn’s wide eyes as she chuckled and tested the water temperature on the shower wand she had grabbed off the wall.

The thing was long and skinny, a solid stream of water pouring out the end. There was a knob by her thumb that controlled the flow, turning it into a jet as she pointed it at me.

“He did tell you not to come, Jaide,” she said low enough that the sound of running water nearly swallowed her voice before she started to wash off the food that was still plastered to my skin. The thick spray of water could have burned my skin, but I really didn’t care right then.

“How do you know that?” I demanded as I stepped forward, misstepped and fell right on my ass. Pain rattled up my spine and I winced, locking any scream inside. “Where is he?”

“I told you. He’s not here. Theon took him. On your hands and knees.”

“Theon? The fourth Synian king?” Elliot had said that too. Now we were getting somewhere.

“Hands and knees,” Dawn repeated impatiently, but I just stared at her, not moving.

“Not until you tell me where my brother is.” I had been given a note and a cryptic visit by a naked Adonis. I was ready for answers.

The glare I got said that Dawn wasn’t having it. If I wasn’t on the receiving end of that glare I would say we would be best friends. Unlucky for her I wasn’t going to back down.

“Hand and knees and I’ll talk,” she caved and I grinned.

Victory one for me. I had only barely gotten down on my hands and knees though and it quickly became very clear that I had won absolutely nothing.

Dawn stepped behind me and began spraying her water wand along my ass crack, shooting jets over my asshole and vagina in hot spurts that sent me shimmying. I yelped and tried to get up, but she was ready, her hand flat on my back as she held me down.

Damn. Girl was strong.

“I’m serious. Hold still and let me finish. You’ll get used to this, but we don’t have much time and the more you fight, the less I’ll be able to tell you.” She held me in place as she kept spraying her wand over my lady bits, the water doing weird things to me.

“Okay.” It wasn’t like I had a choice anyway.

“Good, get on your forearms, ass in the air.” She pressed down harder and I dropped to my forearms, the pose so similar to when I had been auctioned off that I could have sworn my heart migrated to the back of my throat.

Something that only got worse when she focused that jet of water right on my asshole and turned up the pressure.