
“By the moon!”the guy cursed as he dodged the dick, although barely. The mushroom head skimmed over his cheek and left a red mark there.

I guess I had found a weapon. I needed more, an arsenal of dicks to throw at the heads of people who invaded my room. Except, this time, I had only grabbed one, promptly thrown it, and was now once again weaponless.

“Throwing dicks are we?” The guy smirked as he looked from me to the dick in question. “Well, at least it was my dick.”

“Your dick? What are you doing in my room?” I was shrieking, and he was looking me up and down with those green eyes as he smirked.

Holy Moon babies! What I wouldn’t give for some actual clothes in this place.

“Oh honey, you’re in my room,” he said with a laugh, grabbing the dick from the floor and swinging it through the air so he held it by the base. “My room. My dick.”

He held it up to his hips then, the rubber dick right beside his own. Okay, so I hadn’t imagined the similarities. Even without the knot you could tell they were one and the same.

“Although, it's nice to see that you were interested in taking it,” he said, looking at where my robe had clearly been soaked with my slick and flipped the rubber dick in his hand as he held it from base to tip.

“Most can’t.” He stepped forward, still smirking, still flipping the damn dick. It was clear he was teasing, but it was hitting me in a whole other way. “The last time Garret tried he couldn’t sit right for a week.”

Flip. Flip.

“Garret?” I stammered, forcing myself to look away from the cock. “Your room. What are you… Oh, god.”

Parris asked why Garret brought me here. I had seen Garret and that man. This man, who was now talking about Garret taking his knot.

“Oh yes,” he said, still easing his way closer to me as his eyes flashed with glee.

“Oh god.” That time it was more of a moan as he stepped right up to me, his body heat absolutely sweltering after feeling the chill of the Synians for the last two days.

“How much did you see last night, you little minx?” he teased as he lifted his hand, pressing my hair away from my face. “How long did you stay up to watch your new owner fill me? You must have been so tired after your frenzy, but you still watched. Did you see him cum? Did you see him cum in my ass?” He leaned in, that last word a hiss.

I hadn’t. But, now I wished I had.

Gah! I shouldn’t be thinking like this. I needed to get out of here. And go where, Jaide?

“No,” I snapped, stepping back and away from his hand as he tried to put it around my neck. “I saw you, but then I fell asleep. In your bed, I guess.”

“Yes, well, you seemed to need it more than me. Besides, I’ll always help Garret where he needs it. And I knew he needed it.” The predatory grin had left as he stepped back and placed the dick down on the table, the head straight up, the thing fully erect and glorious. Mystery man over here didn’t even seem to notice, he was now picking at what was left of the bacon and downing a few slices.

My stomach flipped.

I may never eat bacon again.

“Where did you sleep?”

He turned to me, smiling as he licked his fingers. “I always find places. Although I will expect my bed back, and soon. It will be impossible to sleep if you get too much of your scent on it.” He leaned in, playfully wrinkling his nose in disgust. The expression faded however, and his eyes widened. “Or maybe not, it seems you smell as good as you taste.”

I stepped back, more of what I had seen last night flooding into me. Of course, my hasty step brought me closer to the four poster bed piled with blankets, the soft piles having made the perfect nest last night. A nest now covered in my scent. Shit. Most Omegas needed everything covered in their scent, or the scent of their mate, in order to relax.

His bed had smelled like Garret last night. Now it smelled like me.


Wait… it smelled like Garret.

“Are you an Omega?”

He grinned broadly before he shook his head, a tiny dimple popping on his cheek. Hot damn, he might be the most lickable thing I had ever seen.