I shouldn’t grab it. I should just leave it there and stare at it. Or, better yet, just close the medicine cabinet and walk away. Go try the door, see if there was another place to find a weapon.

Instead, I wrapped my hand around the large red cock and removed it from its case.

My hand didn’t even wrap around the base, it was so wide, and the knot even double that. The silicone was soft, the veins and ridges shifting as it moved in my hand, the massive thing not completely rigid.

The head of the soft rubber cock blossomed like a mushroom, the smooth surface marked only by a hole. An identical one was on the base, as though the dildo had been drilled through, had been made to come.

And just like that, that damn water bottle made sense. Fill it with whatever you desire, attach the tube, and voila! Artificial ejaculation.

Although, looking at the size of the water bottle it would be a bit more than average. At least I thought so, because my experience with both men and rubber men was becoming more and more glaringly inadequate

I had seen those cocks on the CCTV, I had noticed the size, but holding one in my hand was a different thing altogether.

No wonder Omegas produced slick. I knew the purpose of slick was to be able to ease a knot, it’s why Betas couldn’t take them, and many got hurt trying. Which I also understood now.

But how…

My core was tight, that same throbbing need as before swelling as I ran my hand up and down the rubber dildo, cupping my palm over the impossibly large knot.

“There’s no way…” my voice was half a moan as I slowly lowered the dildo down, ready to press it between my legs and…

“What in the holy Synian hell?!” a man hissed from the other room and I jumped, just as the sound of what was clearly my breakfast dishes clattering to the ground echoed over to me.

I barely stopped myself from shrieking in panic. That voice, it didn’t sound like Parris or Garret. It definitely didn’t sound like Aldric.

It almost sounded like Jett.

My heart was in my throat as I turned. My feet couldn’t quite move fast enough as I stumbled toward the door, throwing it open as more plates clattered and more whispered expletives drifted over to me.

A man stood over the remains of my breakfast dishes, completely naked. Olive skin stretched over perfect muscles, every inch of him defined in that carved Greek way girls drooled over the first time they touched themselves. Perfect thighs, an almost aerodynamic ass staring at me. Tattoos were scattered over his skin, the wing of a bird tracing a line over his shoulder and up to an absolute thatch of dark hair sat messily on his head.

“Who are you?” I spat, and he turned, only to reveal an equally dark patch of hair scattered over his chest with a trail down to a cock nearly identical to the one I was still holding to my chest.

It wasn’t Jett.

“Oh, Healynas,” I swore in Fae as he smiled at me, his perfect teeth glittering below bright green eyes.

I did the only thing I could think of.

I threw the giant dildo I was still clinging to right at his head.