Parris chuckled as he opened the door, only looking back at me when he was halfway out of it. “Oh, darling little Omega. I think I like you naive. I am going to keep it that way for as long as I can.”

The door snapped shut, leaving me with absolutely no answers, and a throbbing pussy covered with slick. I had a feeling this was going to be a constant. I tried to push the all-consuming need away, briefly wishing that the drawer with my collection of dildos had somehow made it here. But no, it was just me and a tray of meats that was clearly meant to be breakfast.

I didn’t know breakfast beyond dry bread, and now I was staring at food I had only seen in the windows of fancy inns. Bacon. Eggs. Porridge. Coffee.

I had never had this stuff, it was too expensive, just like everything else in this world. In fact, I had half convinced myself that all of this was fake at one point in my life. And yet, here it was, steaming hot and ready for me to devour. Which I would, if a small square of paper hadn’t stopped me first.

Perched atop the bacon was a note, my name drawn in swirly letters on the top.

‘You shouldn’t have come. He isn’t here. Do not pull that thread.’

I whirled to the door, hair swinging behind me as I stared at the last place I had seen the blonde girl Parris had referred to as Dawn. She knew my brother. She knew that he was here, and I could only hope that she knew where he had gone.