
I wokewith a start as the door opened and stomping feet charged in. Sitting up, I turned to the noise and was met with the blinding light of the sun. Everything burned, my head instantly throbbing as though it had been assaulted with a jackhammer.

“Close that!” Parris snapped, the sound a hiss, adding to the pain.

“Yes, master,” a squeak of a woman responded. Shuffling feet and the clatter of dishes followed before the light was extinguished in a swish of fabric.

It was only then that my eyes adjusted, yet the pain in my head didn’t leave. It was as though I hadn’t had water in days, or all the blood had been sucked from my body. And, just like that, everything from the day before came rushing back.

I turned to the foot of the bed, my heart pounding in my chest in expectation of seeing Garret there, sinking his cock into the other man's ass. But he was gone. All that was left was the same blonde girl from last night, the one who I could have sworn knew of my brother.

She wasn’t even looking at me. She was pulling plates of food off a silver cart and arranging them on the wooden table the man had been folded over.

I swallowed.

“I don’t know what Garret was thinking, bringing you here,” Parris rambled, pulling my focus back to him as he charged into the room, avoiding one remaining ribbon of light as he swatted at something in the air. “I guess it was the furthest he could think of… and good he did. If only it didn’t stink…” Parris finally stopped swatting and rambling to himself to look at me. “You look absolutely ravishing, darling.”

I didn’t know what to say. I mean, what do you say to a Synian who owns you and sucked your blood, compliment or not?

“Maybe a little windswept.” His smile didn’t even falter as he sunk himself onto the bed next to me, the mattress shifting as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

“Well, I did just wake up after…” My mouth suddenly felt very dry as I ran through the events of the last twenty four hours.

“After what, darling?” Parris ran his finger over the side of my face, letting it trail over my jaw and to the marks on my neck I was sure were still there.

The ones from him.

“After I bought your cunt? Or after Garret had the pleasure of bringing you down from frenzy?”

I steeled my shoulders, forcing all that spunk my brother always said was unOmegalike to the surface.

“You purchased me, like a dog.” I was snarling, but Parris only smiled.

“No, darling, not like a dog. I don’t fuck dogs. I leave that to my brother.” I lifted my brow in confusion, but he just continued on. “In fact, I only fuck those that would like to be fucked. I do not sink my cock into just anyone, and I have never knotted any other, not in my four hundred years of existence. Aldric, however, does not think the same, which is why Garret brought you here.”

“Aldric is…” I began, my skin doing the hot and cold thing it had done every time I had thought of the icy Synian. I still didn’t know if I should be scared of him or not.

“Aldric is King of his coven, and you should always treat him as the powerful ruler he is. Just like Garret, and just like me. We are your masters now, and in time you will come to know what that means.” Parris’s voice was smooth, the low rumbling sound vibrating through my vagina. But even with that I didn’t miss the threat.

“If you are all my masters then why did you pull me from Aldric?” I asked, those dark desires pulling right back to the surface.

“Aldric did not buy you with the right intentions.”

“And you did? Didn’t you all buy me just so you could fuck me anytime you choose?” I was harsh, my tone a biting snarl. But Parris did not turn away, he did not react, he just grinned.

“Leave us, Dawn.” He raised his voice and the blonde girl with the tray hustled out of the room. Parris leaned in, only whispering his next words to me after the door had closed. “Yes, darling. I bought you so I could fuck you.”

The words were a hiss as he leaned over me, his eyes flashing the brightest red as his hand pressed against the bed on the other side of me, trapping me against him. His other hand caressing the freshly waxed mound between my legs.

“I bought you so I could plant my seed in you. We all did.”

“Seed? What are you talking about? Synians can’t have kids. You’re all undead and shit, right? Right?” I nearly shrieked that last one when he just smiled at me. I was quickly realizing that all the information the Synians had allowed to be released to the public was very, very wrong.

“We are not dead, or undead. Your kind may be the only kind that will allow us to fully reproduce, and the three of us will be fighting over your cunt and your womb for generations.”

“Generations?” I laughed. “You do realize I only have like twenty years until I’m too old to do anything for you, don’t you?”

I was still laughing, Parris was just smiling.