
"Are you happy now, Parris?"I let my voice cut over him like a razor, pushing all of my power into him. Not that it would do any good.

Synian Kings may be able to control, to glamor, those around us, but we couldn't glamor each other. Which is why Parris was now laughing as he held me against him, his arms like vices over my neck and torso as he flattened us against the wall, the bed that had been between us smashed to bits.

"Of course I'm happy, I stopped you from sucking that pretty Omega dry. And before either of us got more than a taste, too. Tsk Tsk. When will you learn, Aldric? There is a reason no one likes you, you know." Parris's mocking laugh was loud in my ear, his ego rattling against my bones as I fought him.

“Says the King who can’t leave a Maiden writhing with pleasure under his cock,” I snapped, pushing my weight against him. He didn’t even budge.

The bastard had always been stronger than me, which would be why he was the one to subdue me and not Garret. Garret couldn't land a punch on me if he tried. He was weak when Lilith created him. He was weak now. How he had risen to rule his coven, to be crowned as King, I would never know.

"I bought her--" I began, still fighting against him, not that it was making much of a difference. The Synian just held on tighter, his grey skin veining with black as his power activated.

"We all bought her, so we all get use of her. You had the idea, so why don't we set down some ground rules while she is currently engaged elsewhere." Parris grunted with his effort to hold me down.

I gave one quick motion, breaking his arms away from where he held me down. I wasn't able to go more than a step before he swiped his foot over mine, knocking me off balance as he tried to pin me against the wall.


The thing about Synians with egos is that they always misstep. Always. Parris may be stronger, but Theon was always the most dangerous because he thought things through. He was always one step ahead. Garret was the same way. If Garret wanted bloodshed he would be unstoppable. I guess it was good he didn't. For now, I would just deal with Parris.

As Parris knocked me off balance, I leaned into him, letting my larger mass catch him off guard and sending us both down. Well, him down. I slammed my foot down, pushing him to the ground as I drew my knife, pointing the tip to Parris and his usual smug grin.

You would think, seeing as he was just bested, that he would at least have the decency to look a bit scared.

"Do you really think you can keep me away from her?" I snarled, my anger spiking as he laughed. "She is mine."

"Ours," Parris corrected and I dropped to my knees, pinning him between them as I pressed the knife to his neck. He didn't even flinch. "She is ours, Aldric."

"Do you suggest we fuck and feast on her together, then?" My cock twitched at that. It wouldn't be the first time I had shared a meal, but usually it was with Grina, my assistant in my coven. The idea of sharing with the Kings, especially Garret, was not something I was interested in.

For all I knew Garret would faint at the sight of blood. Pathetic.

"Not that I have anything against that. All of this was your idea, after all. The auctions. All of it.”

I smiled. It was, but only because I had done it before. It worked great when I tried to escape Syn before we had been able to cross the Covern. Nothing would have survived in that glass hellscape for long, not that I had much luck in the Bay of Blood.

“But I think I would like to enjoy her on my own the first time," Parris continued, throwing his hands behind his head as he lounged on the floor. He looked relaxed, as though I wasn't holding a knife to his neck. "And I would like to do that while she is alive. You drain her and I won’t have that chance."

"Who said I would drain her?" I snarled, sheathing the knife as I stood. As much fun as it was to threaten people, Parris certainly had a knack for taking the fun out of it.

"She is an Omega, Aldric." Parris stood, leaning against the wall as he patted down his pants, not that anything had gotten on them. "Every Omega we have come across since Healynas--"

"I know!" I interrupted, fully aware of what had happened, of how that man had taken away our Omegas. Of how he had left us to rot in Syn.

It had been twenty years since the last Omega had fallen on our doorstep, and they had been drained before they ever reached us. Garret had tried for a month to nurse them back to health, but he couldn't even turn them into our kind. They had died.

I hadn't even gotten a taste. I hadn't been able to slip my cock in. I wouldn't let that happen a second time.

"In case you missed it, Parris, we all drank from her. We marked her. We tasted her. We didn't kill her," I said and Parris froze, his whole body stiffened. "Did you want to drain her? Because I didn't."

"No." He shook his head, his eyes wide as he looked from me to the door, as if regretting letting Garret take her. Letting Garret have the first taste. "But I have never tasted anything like her either."

My mouth was watering at the thought. I had tasted thousands. I had feasted on the blood of women in fear, in pleasure, in pain. I had drank from men as they writhed below me. I had tasted every emotion. I had tasted every age. Every breed. But there was something about her, about the taste of an Omega. No wonder everyone bled them dry. I wanted more. I wanted to run my knife over her skin. I wanted to lap at her blood as she screamed beneath me.

As I claimed her. Marked her. Filled her with my seed.

Knotted her as an Alpha knotted their Omega.