I gasped. In pleasure? Pain? I wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter, all I could focus on was the way I was opening for him. I had never felt a knot before, but even this shadow of one was pressing me into that glittered horizon. Glitter that exploded as I did, as Garret’s tongue worked against my clit.

I screamed as I came, Garret’s fingers falling away to be replaced by his tongue, the hungry lapping thing devouring my slick as I dripped into his mouth. His thumb moved over my clit, forcing my orgasm to continue even as the sharp prick of his fangs clamped into the tender skin of my taint.

Forget glitter. I was made of fireworks.

Garret sucked my blood, feasting on my slick until he left me collapsed on the nest of blankets, his hands soft as he covered me with them.

“That’s a good Omega,” Garret whispered, pressing the blankets against me. He drew me into him, my scent coating his skin as he pressed a kiss against my temple.

“A very good Omega.” He moved the hair off my face, his eyes a brilliant gold as he smiled. The color was striking against the long black strands of his hair and the grey of his skin. So much more beautiful than the red. “Sleep away, little one. You’ve had quite a day.”

There was no way in God's green earth I could stay awake. Even if I wanted to try to escape, it wasn’t happening because I seemed to not have any more bones.

“Sleep.” Garret’s voice was far away as he left me curled on the bed, his towering form walking to the other side of the room, and to the other figure I hadn’t seen there before.

The man uncoiled from the golden chair like a snake, a smile cut over his handsome features. He was broad, although not as tall as Garret, and dressed in a robe of plush red velvet.

“Did you like watching that?” Garret asked, his voice a distant hum as he reached for the man, embracing him. Their lips pressed together and the other moaned.

“You’re right. She does taste like frosting.”

“Now, I want something just as sweet.” Garret turned the man around, folding him over a table as he lifted the robe, revealing a bare ass and what looked like a long furry tail. Like a wolf’s. “Good boy, you kept it in.”

Garret flicked at the tail before he pulled at it with a flourish, the man moaning as the plug was removed and Garret began to undo his belt.

I didn’t see any more before I fell asleep, my body giving up on me, no matter how much I wanted to watch what came next.