Instead, I ended up panting as I rocked back and forth against him.

“Good, little Omega,” he crooned, still holding me firm even as his fingers travelled lower. “See, she doesn’t need any aftercare. She just needs cock. My cock.”

Any control I had was gone with that low promise.

“Alpha,” I moaned, pressing into him again. “Cock.”

“See. The good Omega wants her Alpha.” I could have sworn I felt his teeth against my neck.

“Put her down Aldric,” Parris said again, only to be cut off by Garret.

“I’m fucking over this, Aldric.”

Air swirled around me as I was yanked from Aldric’s arms and into another’s. My eyes flew open as Garret threw me over his shoulder, my breasts bouncing on his back as I looked up to see Parris slug Aldric in the jaw.

“No!” I howled, just as a door was slammed between me and the Alpha I was so desperate for.

“Don’t worry, little one, trust me when I say you are not ready for him.” Garrets’ voice was a low snarl as he raced us through the white halls, my body bouncing on his back as we moved at a pace that should not have been possible.

“But I need, I need…” I couldn't quite put into words what I needed. The frenzy had not left me and now my body was screaming for what I had just been pulled away from. My cunt was screaming.

I needed him. I needed to help him.

“I know what you need, don’t worry, little one. I can help, and in a way that will not hurt you.” His hand rubbed over my thigh as we began to slow, the white tile halls had fallen away to the grey stone I had expected.

Except I couldn’t focus on that now.

All I could focus on was the cold hand of the Alpha who carried me, and the way it was moving over my thigh.

Up and down.

Up and down.

Closer to that throbbing, needy hole.

“If you will allow me, little one,” Garret continued as I released a sigh, my skin breathing alongside the motion of his fingers as they continued their journey up. “I can help you out of the mess you are in. Will you let your Alpha help you?”

“Please, Alpha.”

Frenzies were so much more powerful than I had expected them to be. This wave of crushing need. It wasn’t even that I was out of control, either. I just knew what I wanted. I knew what they wanted, and I wasn’t scared to give it to them.

Before I knew what I was doing, I let my head drop to his back. My ass arched up as my legs spread for him, his chilled fingers continuing up to the folds of my entrance covered with my slick. It was everywhere, so much more than it had ever been.

“Oh, by the moon,” Garret swore, his fingers moving over me. My arms wrapped around his torso, clinging to him lest he stop.

“Alpha, more,” I pleaded as a door shut in a woosh of air. I was lowered onto a bed that could have very well been a cloud. Fabric enveloped me, pillows of soft furs and plush flannels everywhere. It felt like my nest and I curled into it, lifting my ass to Garret as I begged him.

“More, Alpha.”

“Okay, little one,” he whispered from somewhere behind me, his hands moving over my ass as he spread me, his thumbs swirling around my opening in tandem. “I can’t fill you as you need, not yet, but I can help this frenzy go away. Would you like that?”

I made a sound like a kitten, rocking myself into his teasing fingers which thankfully slipped into me. At least two pressed their way inside, gliding over my slick as he bent to me, his tongue lapping at my dripping cunt.

“You taste like frosting,” he was practically pouting, moving two fingers out of me only to have a third join before they were plunged back in, his tongue continuing to move over me, moving right to where I needed it the most.

“Alpha. More.”

His tongue flicked against my clit, teeth pulling against my skin as he sucked the tiny bit of flesh into his mouth. I howled in delight, pressing my dripping, hungry cunt into his mouth as he pressed four fingers into me, spreading me as his knot would, forcing me to take it.