
The women surroundedme as the man led us down the hall, the long endless nothing covered with the same white tile.

When I thought of Synians I thought of dungeons and catacombs and cloud covered, crumbling castles on distant peaks. I did not think of endless white subway tiles. At least this was possibly warmer than the dungeon scenario, not that it mattered. I was essentially wearing nothing, my nipples were practically leading the way with how pert they were, all those pointy nipples from before were suddenly making sense. No matter how many times I tried to shift my hands there was no way I was covering everything.

The hallway stretched on forever, the slapping of bare feet against tile the only sounds.

Well, that and the absolutely frantic beating of my heart as my soul continued to scream at me ‘What have you done you idiot?’

“Do you know my brother?” I asked when I just couldn’t take the silence anymore, turning to the blonde who gave me one side glance before looking straight ahead.

“No.” She pressed her lips into a straight line. Yeah, no way I was believing that.

“Okay, have you seen someone that looks like me…” I began. I gestured forward before I thought better of it and immediately went back to trying to cover my hairless mound.

“I--” she began, giving me another side glance before she was cut off.

“Your new masters expect silence,” the man snapped, pulling my attention back to him.

I was just about to sass back about how there was no way in hell my master was going to get that with me when I realized what he had said.

“Wait. Masters? With an S? Like, plural?” My voice was growing more shrill with every word. My mind buzzed as I thought back to that first video, the one with the woman all tied up as two men approached her and every muscle in my body tensed again.

The man just looked back and smiled again before he pulled us to a stop in front of a blank stretch of tile wall. I should have been more freaked out, or impressed… Hell, I didn’t know what to be anymore. I was still reeling over the ‘masters’ thing. I was trying to get myself to calm down when I was led into a room and pulled before three men.

Three Synians.

Three masters.

Holy moon doggies.

This could not be happening.

They stood in the middle of a wood paneled room, looking like some kind of painted masterpieces. Everything in here was dark and plushly decorated with red velvet draped over windows, chairs, and covering what was clearly a monster of a bed in the corner. This was more like what I would expect from Synians.

The men before me were not.

They were all dressed like dapper business men, their suits all cut to precision in fabrics that I was sure I could not pronounce. Or afford. All three of them were taller than I was by at least a foot, their powerful frames towering over me in differing levels of brawn and width. There was no mistaking them for Synians, their height, the ashy grey of their skin, the startling red of their eyes.

And what was worse, I recognized them. I had seen the one standing closest to me, a blonde with his shirt partially unbuttoned and a tie pulled low, on the CCTV before. I could almost hear the icy command of his voice as he cut the woman with the knife.

I didn’t have to look long at the second, a brunette with a shadow of a beard and a smirk, to know that build. The powerful man from the auction room. And the last with his long black curls pulled into a high bun and eyes that could almost pass for shy, had been the other one.

They had all bid on me.

“What, you decide to share?” My thought exploded before I could stop it, the icy voiced Synian snarling even as the other two smiled.

“You’ve got spunk for an Omega,” the man with the bun said, his voice warm like honey against my skin as he smiled.

“She would be better if she knew her place,” the blonde said, that same icy voice slid over me and I barely controlled my shiver.

“She will, Aldric. She will,” the last one replied, clapping his hand on the shoulder of the icy one, whose lip curled in disgust.

Aldric… Something about that name was familiar. I wish more was made public about the Synians. I had tried to find out more, but beyond the war when they invaded Sypani and the four kings there wasn’t much out there. Same with the Fae. Same with all of them. I mean, if you tried to find information on the Dragons you couldn’t even find out if they breathed fire for sure. All that was known was that the Dragons were Alphas, and the warriors who rode on their backs their Omegas.

“Your majesties,” the man who had led us here began, his finger firm in my back as he prodded me forward. “May I present your newest possession. Jaide of the three houses. Jaide, here are your new masters. Three of the kings of our world. Aldric.” Oh god, I was suddenly remembering where I had seen that name before. On the foot of the contract that I had neglected to read.

“Parris,” the man continued his introductions even though I was clearly starting to hyperventilate. The brunette Synian who had clapped the snarling Aldric on the shoulder smiled at me. “And Garret.” The Synian with the bun nodded, but everything was back to spinning again.