And then, within seconds it slowed.

The low guttural voice of the announcer grew deeper. Only three lights were flashing now. Two in front and one behind where I currently was.

One of which was the man who had a woman’s head in his lap minutes before. Now, his focus was solely on me.

I could feel the rumbling control of an Alpha rippling off him, my body begging me to submit. To let him look at me as I was bared before him.

He stood now, staring right at me as the rotating platform pulled to a stop. At least I thought he was staring at me. I couldn’t see more than his outline, the towering shape of him clearly muscular. If he had been a foot shorter I would have thought it was Jett, but he was too tall, too lean. I could feel his focus on me.

I could feel the ice of his gaze trickle down my spine and I shivered, every muscle in my body clenching. Every. Muscle. I fucking moaned, writhing against my binds as I tried to display myself better.

The man turned, talking to another shadowed shape who then disappeared, only to reappear in another room two doors down where another man was bidding on me. This one broad, standing with his hands on his hips. I only saw the slight bob of a head before the voice boomed one last time and everything went dark.

The bidding was over. Everything was over.

I had been sold to a Synian. One of these powerful Synian Alphas owned me.

This was not how an Omega was supposed to find her mate!

I jerked against my binds in a panic, not that they moved at all. I was actually starting to wonder if they were getting tighter. Blood rushed to my head, my feet and hands going numb as a wide beam of yellow light cut through the dark and a wide door behind me swung open.

Moving toward the light was not happening, no matter how hard I tried. So, I was left to listen to at least five sets of feet approach as I knelt there with my ass in the air.

“Get her to the prep room,” a male voice hissed before two sets of bare feet stepped to either side of me, bare hands twisting locks that I hadn’t seen on the wooden platform.

“What is the prep room? Where are we going? Hello? Answer me!” I yelled with my too big tongue. I knew they could understand me, but they said nothing. They just continued unlocking and shifting the wood platform before I was lifted, four people wheeling me after the sandaled feet of the man who had spoken.

“You know you can untie me right? I can walk!” And run, which was probably why they kept carrying me like I was a prized pig.

The circle room had been dark compared to the retina burning light of whatever hell they had moved me into. Maybe I had died.

“You trying to burn the demons out of me?” I asked as they continued wheeling me forward, grunting as they lifted the wooden circle, and me, onto a metal table. It was only then that the room began to come into focus, not that there was much to see.

It was the exact same as the entryway, a void of white tile. Except instead of a nurses station there was a metal exam table, which I was on. There were no chairs, and there were no porn TVs, but there were a few high hooks with what looks like ghost skins on them. I was sure they were robes, but they were so thin they weren’t going to be ‘robing’ anything.

“Is anyone going to answer me?” I grunted as I fought against the ropes that had grown still tighter. “Or listen to me?”

“Do they want her plugged?” a girl to the left of me asked. I tried to turn my head, ready to stare her down until I got answers, but I couldn’t shift.

“I’m not going to stop talking no matter what you do,” I said in defiance. Not that they paid me any mind.

“He wants to do it,” the man responded like I hadn’t said anything. I really didn’t like the way he said ‘he’. It was almost like the man was scared of this phantom him. Like I should be too. Immediately, I thought of the dark outline of the man behind the glass, the way he had seemed to look inside me.

I shivered before I could stop myself, and tried to wiggle out of my binds again.

“You wanna tell me who he is?” I snapped, still trying to move toward the male voice. “Or better yet, untie me? I mean, you heard me ask for that, right?”

“You talk an awful lot for an Omega,” one of the women said. I tried to turn to see who, but that wasn’t happening. “Aren’t they supposed to be docile and submissive?”

“I need to get out of here. I need to find my brother.”

“You can’t get out of here,” the man said as something cold was pressed against my ankle. “You signed the contract, you’re stuck.”

“You say that, but there is always a way out.” I shimmied against the ropes again, fully aware I was wagging my bare ass in the air.

“Not this time,” he laughed, his torso stepping into my line of sight. There was a giant tattoo of a dragon there, the scaled beast an Alpha to the Omega that rode on its back. “You’ve signed over your life, and now you have been sold. Your blood and flesh do not belong to you anymore. And I promise you that if you try to run you will find yourself in a much worse predicament.”

“Worse than being an Omega sold to Synians?” I gave a heartless laugh. I really did not want to think about what was worse than that.