
Cold airon your asshole was not something you wanted to wake up to.

Cold air on your asshole meant you weren't wearing any clothes.

Cold air on your asshole also meant that you were possibly in a position that would allow cold air to be on your asshole.

I wasn’t even fully awake after whatever the Synian mob had done to me, or injected me with. My body was numb, my mind fuzzy, but I could feel the cold air on my ass. That, and the throbbing pain in my head from where it had been slammed into something hard and cold. Thankfully, my heat from before seemed to have gone, the near explosive need having faded to a dull ache between my legs. Weird distorted echoes of a man's voice rattled against my skull, amplifying the throbbing pain in my temple.

I had no way of knowing what he was saying, his low tone ominous and guttural. Not only was everything warbled, as though he was speaking through a tin can, but I was fairly certain he wasn’t speaking English.

There was only one word I could make out, Omega, as it buzzed on repeat.

He continued talking as more and more of my body began to wake up, everything stiff and sore as bright lights flashed on the other side of my closed lids. I shifted, trying to move myself out of whatever position I was in, trying to see, but nothing was moving.

Nothing could move, and just like that the reason I had cold air on my asshole was made clear.

My ass was in the air.

I was on my knees, my chest and thighs flattened together with what felt like a wedge between them. Something scratchy pulled against my back and my thighs, pressing them together. My face was crushed painfully into the ground, my arms pulled down to my ankles where they were tied together with that same scratchy rope.

Stupidly, I tried to pull against it, grunting against the mouthguard jammed between my teeth, but it wasn’t budging. This rope felt like chains and zipties had a baby who grew up to be the spawn of the devil.

I was tied up, on display, which made sense why all those bright lights behind my eyes were slowly rotating around me.

“No, no, no,” I moaned, not that any of it made it through the mouthguard.

Those no’s turned into screams as I pressed against the ropes, as I tried to move myself. Yes, I was tied up, but I was sure I could roll my way out of here like a sausage or something. As much as I heaved though, I didn’t move.

My ass was still in the air, the low voice still rambling as a flurry of lights snapped on and off around me like flash bulbs. Oh, Synian hell. They better not be taking pictures.

Pain be damned, I forced my eyes open to scan the dim, circular room.

I was bound in the center of a large wooden platform, glass walled rooms surrounding me as I rotated slowly, my stripped body on display to the shadowed figures roaming inside them. Men and women paced there, watching me. The man's voice was growing frantic as they lit up little lights in the corner of their rooms and placed bids.

Bids for me, and my ass and pussy clearly on display.

“No,” I moaned again, trying to spit the mouthguard out with a tongue that was still too numb. I screamed again, fighting against the demon rope as my heart darted into my throat, as my eyes burned with tears. I blinked them away, still fighting even as the tone of the man's voice grew more intense.

What the hell happened to just strutting in here and killing Synians with a stake and boobs?

Oh yeah, I had no fighting skills and a gnats chance in hell of succeeding in the first place.

Death I had expected… but this?

I had heard of the blood auction before, everyone had. The humans who sold themselves under time contracts were one thing, but the auction was the underbelly of it all. You didn’t come back from that. There was no way to come back from that, because, you know, you were sold.

You were someone’s property.

“No!” That time the mouthguard fell free, not that it mattered. My mouth was numb and floppy from whatever they had given me. It was two letters, but I doubt it made any sense.

The bidding only picked up, those damn lights flashing as I continued my slow rotation, watching the rooms pass by and the shadowed figures pacing before me.

Some rooms were full of people; some only had two or three. One room featured a man who obviously had a woman on her knees between his legs. In another, a woman was folded over before a man as he rutted into her, her breasts swinging wildly below her. I pinched my eyes shut, not wanting my heat to make its grand arrival, even as the forbidden lust was slowly heating between my legs.

It was just like before with all the CCTV screens. I wanted it. There was something about watching the women be given all they needed as the men took… It sang to that primal need I had pushed away for far too long.

Watching those shadow people suck and fuck as I was rotated around was doing something to me. I was growing wet again, which I was sure they noticed as the bidding sped up again.