“Yeah, so… ummm… I think I’m gonna go. This was clearly a mistake and I’m not ready for this.” I rambled as I stood up, bowing to her like a weirdo as I slowly made my way back toward the door. Or where the door should have been.

Oh god. Everything was that same white tile, there wasn’t even a spot where that red door could be. What in the fresh hell was this place?

“If you could just show me to the door then I can ummm, yeah. I think it’s best if I leave.” I was having trouble getting words out now. Shit. Shit. Shit.

The woman watched me, unmoving behind the counter as I began to feel along the tile where I was sure the door should have been. Nothing. There wasn’t even a break in the grout to show where the tile might open up.

But this had to be the right place, that CCTV with the woman tied to the rack was still there, the whole apparatus having been rotated so one of the Synians could slip his firm member into her mouth.

Oh god…No! Stop watching! Stop getting turned on by super hot Synian sex. Leave. You need to leave!

“Can you just open the door?” I asked again, turning toward the woman who was just sitting there, smiling at me.

“I’m not going to open the door, Jaide. I understand nerves, but I promise you it will all be okay.”

“Yeah, uh, no… just open the door.” I slammed my palm against the tile, the stake jiggling between my boobs as I did so.

I guess I still had one option.

“That is not going to happen. You’ve signed the forms. You’ve indicated no exclusions and no time limit…” I froze, the tile cold against my palm as I turned back to the smiling Synian whose fangs were now fully extended, her eyes red as she leaned over the counter. “You will not be leaving.”

“Yeah, fuck that.” I reached into my top, shifting my weight and sending my pants down my hips. My makeshift belt had failed me. I clutched my pants for dear life with one hand, holding the stake up with the other.

This would have looked so much cooler if my pants weren't halfway down my ass, my underwear wasn’t soaked with my slick, and my left boob hadn’t been trying to escape out the side of my tank top like this was a prison break.

I held the stake up the same way I had practiced in front of my bathroom mirror for months, ready to downward thrust into what I hoped would be their heart, or balls, or neck because she didn’t have balls. Or did female Synians have balls? Synians were all Alphas so they all had cocks, right? Yeah, I really should have figured all of this out.

Guess I was just winging it.

“Oh, cute little Omega,” the woman cooed as she lunged for me in a flash of grey skin and white sparkly teeth.

Screaming like the first girl killed in a horror movie, I closed my eyes and began blindly stabbing.

Yeah, this really shouldn’t be my day job, assuming I had to get a job after this. Thankfully, in all my screaming and flailing, I hit… something.

She screamed as my stake slammed into her chest, the point pressing into her dumb nurse’s uniform and then into her skin. Well, it would have if it didn’t feel like I was stabbing stone.

What kind of crazy was this?

I put all my strength behind it, which wasn’t much, so I jumped into her with the intent of tackling her to the ground. She didn’t move, but the stake did. It jabbed it into her with a horrifying squelching sound and she screamed before she disintegrated.

Like, she fucking exploded like a popped balloon and turned to a pile of ash like one of those horror stories in the bible they use to scare kids.

Which should totally work because that was terrifying. I should have stayed outside and yelled at people about how awesome Healynas is.

Except now I was awesome. And I was killing Synians, just like Healynas. Healynas and I had a lot in common. Awesome Synian slayers.

“Hell yeah! Come get me!” I was ready to powerhouse my way through this joint, find Jett and get out of here.

I got this.

Or I would have if the walls didn’t open up like Swiss cheese, Synians pouring through the holes like mice.

“Synian mice babies!” I started swinging again, but it was no use, a cold hand wrapped around my wrist, another around my neck, and a third around my stomach. Icy fingers gripped me everywhere, digging into bone and skin as they pulled the stake away from hands too weak to hold on to it anymore.

I only saw grey skin, red eyes, and a wide grin before something pricked into my neck and the whole world began to fade to black.

“Take her to the basement.”

I take it all back. I was nothing like Healynas.