“Finger.” Her voice was pert, and I turned back toward her as though I had been pulled there. She smiled, but her eyes were red now, her grin a wicked gash across her face as I lifted my hand, placing my finger in the box without question.

What the--

“Fucking red-eyed bitch!” I screamed as pain shot through my finger, something slicing over the tip as claws dug into the side. A second later my blood dripped through the tube on the other end in a bright red trail.

The box released me and I staggered back, clutching my still bleeding finger as I looked from the smiling Synian behind the desk, to my finger, to the icy man on the screen who was now running a vibrator over the clit of his bleeding prey.

“Take a seat. Someone will be right with you.” The woman’s eyes were green again and she was back to smiling as though nothing happened. Like I hadn’t just been stabbed.

Yeah, if that was my reaction to a finger prick I was doomed.

I should probably just take down this Synian and try to get answers about Jett, but instead I plopped myself down in my chair, purposefully placing myself under the CCTV and the icy man's voice. I didn’t want to see what else he was doing, the Omega in me was already rising to the strong Alpha in him. Watching him would only make it worse.

“Spread wide for daddy. Be a good girl.”

I shivered, the woman he was with moaned with a sound that was making all of my warm wetness come back.

“Good. Good. Do you want daddy to fill you?” There was another moan in response and even the woman behind the counter looked up to the TV, licking her lips as I shifted my weight. I was fully aware that I had soaked through my pants now.

This was quickly approaching trouble, this Alpha’s voice was working me into a frenzy.

At least I think he was. I had only read about frenzies in the ‘You’re an Omega, Now What?’ books that Jett and I had stolen from the library. Hell, that was where all of my information about being an Omega had come from. Usually they talked you through all these things in sanctuaries.

Heats were when Omegas were fertile. Omegas in heat would put off a different scent and draw Alphas to them. If the Omega was unbonded they would move into a rut in the need to plant their seed.

But frenzies? Frenzies could bring on a heat if they were left untamed, and they were always accompanied by an undeniable need for a knot. For fulfillment. One book said it was like ‘the most horny you have been, but set atop a nuclear reactor’. I had laughed at the time. I was no longer laughing.

This was so much more than what was explained in the book. This was an uncontrollable feral need. I hadn’t experienced much outside my heat and even that was too much at times.

Too much need.

Too much emptiness as I pined for a cock I couldn’t have.

It had been a few weeks since my last heat and I was in dangerous territory. Being in a frenzy would be trouble, the desperate need for fulfillment was nearly crippling. But if I went into heat… here… Oh, god.

They would smell it on me and they wouldn’t keep their hands off. The Omegas that didn’t have enough money to pay the mercenaries ended up fucked to death when they went into heat outside of a sanctuary. I didn’t want to think about what would happen here, surrounded by Alphas.

I would become just another Omega found fucked to death under a bridge.

“How long do you--” I wasn’t sure what I was about to ask, I just needed to focus on something else before all those primal needs took control. God, I needed that man. I needed him inside of me. I was going to cum right then and there.

Thankfully, the telephone rang before either happened.

“Yes?” The woman pressed the phone to ear, the moans from the woman on the screen above me increasing. “Oh. Yes, I understand.” The woman’s eyes darted from me to the paperwork I had given her, pages shuffling as she began a chorus of ‘uh huh’ and ‘oh yes, I understand’ followed by the buzz of one word that I understood.


My virgin senses were tingling. This wasn’t good. This whole thing hadn’t been just a bad idea, it had been a shit poor idea. I clearly needed to work on my universe interpretation skills.

“Everything okay?” I asked as she hung up the phone, earning myself a straight-lipped smile that was the most forced one yet.

“Yes, it’s fine. Of course.” Her eyes were red again.

Okay, so she was clearly lying. Either that or she wanted to eat me. Or both. I was going with both. I was growing hotter, my desire becoming dangerous. I was about a thousand percent sure that the descenter wasn’t working anymore.

That was my cue.

I needed to get out of here. I was going into a heat and I couldn’t be here.