
It seemedthat my entire life here was sex and sleep. Which might have been fine if I wasn’t left alone in this big room the rest of the time. I had given up trying to find a way out, seeing as the door was always locked, and mostly focused on keeping myself from falling too deep into the lust puddle that those Synians had thrust me into.

Except now, that very real need that had been hovering around the frayed edges of my soul had turned into a hunger.

It was as though I had been starving all my life and had just discovered what food was. Even then I still couldn't get enough to eat. None of the books about being an Omega had talked about this gnawing hole. They had talked about heats and bonding and frenzies and how an Alpha would care for you. Nothing had been happening as I had expected.

Of course, I hadn't expected to be sold either.

Neither of those things were covered in a book.

Stupid pointless books!

I laid still, staring at the strip of light that filtered in through the window as I curled up in my nest and tried to bring myself down from the edge I now seemed to be permanently occupying. Which would explain why every muscle tensed when the door slammed open. I turned, expecting Garret to wander in and take his turn. My heart sped up to see Dawn, pushing silver breakfast trays before her. She hadn't been alone either time she had come in, so when she turned around and closed and bolted the door I might have collapsed back onto my nest with a sigh.

"That bad?" she whispered, her voice nearly drowned by the clatter of dishes on her roller cart.

"I..." I began, but then I wasn't sure what to say. She had been there when Aldric had...

She gave a grin before she began arranging the plates on the table again. "Don't worry, it does get better. You will be cleaned again, and you will be fucked again, and plugged, and strapped to a vibrator. Over time it will all just start to feel normal. It's just part of life here."

"So I'm noticing," I grumbled, and Dawn froze, her hands still on the plate of bacon she had just set down. My stomach flipped seeing it there, and not in a good way.

I was gonna puke again. Although judging by Dawn’s reaction she thought I was cringing at the prospect of an eternity of sex and not the bacon.

"Jett did tell you not to come."

"You already said that, and I told you that I wasn't just going to leave him here." She sighed dramatically before grabbing the bacon plate and a carafe of orange juice and bringing them to the bed.

"Yes, but did you think selling yourself was a good idea?" She sat on the edge of the bed, the plate of bacon between us as she took a long drink from the orange juice flagon before passing it over. I wasn't going to touch the bacon, but this I would drink.

"I didn't come in to sell myself," I clarified. She just rolled her eyes. I felt like I was having the same conversation over and over.

I took a swig of the juice. I was hungry, my head spinning from too much blood loss, and the second the too sweet juice hit my tongue it was like I couldn't get enough.

"Neither did any of us, and yet here we are." She popped some bacon in her mouth, passing the plate to me as she did so.

"Why did you come here?" I waved the bacon away, ain't no way in hell I was gonna touch that stuff.

"Couldn't find a job. That's what it was for about eighty percent of us, the other twenty actually wanted to get banged and bitten by a Synian for the rest of their lives. Weirdos. They have a special wing for them. Only some of the Synians go over there."

"Why?" That seemed off. The Synians were clearly ruled by sex, you would think they would be clamoring for the ones that would offer it freely.

Well, unless they were all like Aldric, who enjoyed the brutality of it more than anything else. I really hoped that wasn't the case with all of them. Parris was dominating, but he wasn't scary like Aldric. Garret didn't seem to be either, but I had only seen him once and he had done nothing but help me.

"Blood tastes different when you want to be bitten, at least that's what they say. They want to taste your fear." She chomped on another piece of bacon, her mouth furiously chewing as she subconsciously fingered the scar on her neck. I only nodded in agreement. Aldric had said the same thing, that it’s why he played with his food.

"So don't be scared and they lose interest in you?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Jett tried that. Didn't work." She looked right at me, her eyes narrowed as she shoved the plate of bacon at me again.

There was no way I was eating bacon now. Answer train, here we come!

"How well did you know my brother?" I leaned in, well aware I was whispering now. I needed this information more than I needed food. It didn't matter how hungry I was. Dawn leaned in, her eyes conspiratorial as she whispered.

"Eat and I'll talk." Yeah, that was not what I expected. I sat back with a sigh just as she chuckled.

"You're awful bossy, aren't you," I snapped. There was nothing funny about this. "'Hands and knees and I'll talk. Eat and I'll talk.' What’s next?"