The three armies of the fae clogged the secret tunnel that led out of the castle. At the front, along with Norah, Eurig, Taveon, and Rafe, Bree nibbled on her bottom lip. They’d beaten the Master back here with their agitated flight through the sky, but it wouldn’t be long before he showed. As it was, the army still camped in the field. Torchlight flickered across an obsidian sky. They weren't paying attention to this tunnel. Yet. But one look in this direction, and that would be it.

Of course, that was what Bree wanted to happen. They needed the demons to spot them. Just not before most of the army had exited the tunnel. Otherwise, their forces would get split. Half of their men would end up trapped inside the castle while the other half waited beside the Faerie Ring.

“Come on,” she whispered, her skin leaping off her bones. “We can’t wait any longer. If the Master gets back, they’ll resume their attack.”

Taveon nodded and ran a hand down his face. “Are you ready?”


He sighed and turned to Norah. “Are you ready?”

“Not particularly,” she said grimly. Bree heard her unspoken words all too clear. Norah had brought her forces into Underworld, and she felt responsible for them. If this went wrong, if they died before Taveon and Bree were able to fix the realms, the fae would lose their lives.

“Come on.” Taveon took Bree’s hand. “We’ll go first.”

Steadying her nerves, she stepped out onto the field, Taveon beside her. The demons were far enough away that they didn’t notice—yet—so they inched around the side of the castle in the opposite direction of the camping army. The others quickly followed behind, the shuffled footsteps of the fae ringing loud in the silence of the night.

They crept through the darkness, winding a path around the northern side of the castle and through a valley hidden in the hills. The trek was longer than she liked. It felt like a wolf was nipping at her heels, closing in fast. Any minute now, he’d chomp into her leg, down to the bone. And the fae would be cut down within seconds.

At long last, they reached the other side of the castle and stole across the northern fields toward the Faerie Ring. So far, the demons still hadn’t spotted them, but it would only be a matter of time. There were no hills or castle wall shadows to hide them now.

They kept running. Her hands pumped by her sides, and the wind tugged at her hair and clothes. With a quick glance over her shoulder, she confirmed the rest of the fae were following. There were hundreds of them running now. Hundreds of fighters risking their lives, rushing through the shadows like wraiths.

And then it came. The single shout from the enemy camp.

Fearful tears burned her eyes as she tried to force her legs to move faster. Sucking in deep gulps of cool air, she focused on the beast inside of her, shifting her hands and feet into powerful paws that punched the ground. From beside her, Taveon’s wings burst from his back as he took to the skies. They rushed forward, leaving the fae warriors to face the darkness coming for them all.

Her heart tore as she glanced over her shoulder and met Norah’s eye. Her friend gave her a solemn nod. She would slow the fae here, on the field, while Bree and Taveon continued on to the Faerie Ring. With a growl, Bree turned away and raced across the field, hating this plan, even though it had been her own. She wished she could fight.

As if in answer to her wishes, a powerful figure thundered down in front of her, blocking her path. She slowed to a stop, jaws dropping at the beast that towered over her now. Even larger than the others, with silver wings and enormous horns, he looked like something straight out of Hell itself.

The demon curled back his lips in a sneer, revealing two rows of terrifying teeth. “You’re the Redcap girl who stole my son.”

The terror that shook her body almost took her to her knees. Forcing herself to focus on the demon’s burning eyes, she didn’t dare glance up at the sky where Taveon had vanished.

“Shift into your fae form so you can answer me!” The demon’s voice boomed like thunder.

Bree inched to the side, eyeing the space around him. If she moved quickly enough, maybe she could catch him off guard. She could race across the fields and reach the Faerie Ring first, and maybe—

The Grand Master stalked toward her with fisted hands. “I demand you answer me, or I will rip every single one of your limbs from your body, consume them, and then spit their mangled ruins back onto the ground where they belong.”

Bree’s heart raged in her chest. She stumbled a few steps back, readying herself for his attack.

A form hurtled out of the sky, a storm of feathers and shadow. Taveon swooped toward his father’s head with a sword aimed right at his face. The Grand Master whirled toward him, snarled, and spread his hands as if to welcome his son with open arms.

He smacked the sword aside just before it hit him. Their bodies collided, and a crack of thunder echoed through the realm. The Grand Master grabbed Taveon, and they both went tumbling across the field. Bree watched, mouth agape.

She ran toward them as they both slowly climbed to their feet. Taveon’s eyes were electric with a rage she’d never seen in him before, and the look on the Grand Master’s face was just as terrifying. They began to circle each other.

Bree slowed as she reached Taveon’s side.Are you all right?

“Get out of here, Bree,” he said out loud.Go to the Faerie Ring. I’ll distract him while you do your thing.

I can’t leave you to fight him on your own. And what I have to do will weaken you. He could kill you, Taveon.