Dark fae crowded the throne room, shouting at where Norah perched on the throne, worry creasing between her brows. Bree and Taveon strode inside, weary and wind-ragged from the long flight back to the castle. Several of the fae near the door fell silent and pointed. Soon, a hush spread through the crowd.

“It’s him! The demon king!” one of the fae shouted.

Bree winced at the dark look in Taveon’s eyes. His court had turned its back on him. Dagen had been one thing, but she knew this was far worse. He’d tried his damnedest to protect these fae.

“Thank god.” Norah’s voice rang out as she stood. “You made it back safely. Did you find the answers we need?”

Bree glanced around the packed room. “I’d like to speak with you privately.”

“Not a chance,” one of the fae said with a bitter laugh. “This queen has stolen the dark fae throne. She killed our acting king, and now she’s going to make some kind of pact with the demons!”

Alarm skittered down Bree’s spine. Norah had donewhat?

Her friend clasped her hands together, her lips a thin line. “Lord Dagenwas the one who planned to make a deal with the demons.Iam trying to stop them, with Bree’s help. And Taveon’s.”

Everyone turned toward Bree again. Heart hammering, she met Norah’s gaze across the room. It sounded like she’d killed Dagen. Hadn’t he been trapped in his cell? She had so many questions, but now was not the time to ask them.

“I think I know how to stop the demons,” Bree called out so that her voice could be heard throughout the throne room. “But if we want to beat them, we’re all going to have to trust each other and work together. Otherwise, this is never going to work.”

A few of the nearby fae scowled, but Bree just ignored them, continuing with her speech after checking with Taveon that he wanted her to speak this truth out loud. “The demons are allergic to sunlight.”

A rush of whispers rolled through the crowd, and several of the fae pointedly looked at Taveon. She gritted her teeth.

“We need to lure the demon army to the field just beside the Faerie Ring,” Bree said, sucking in a breath. “And then I’m going to bring the sunlight into Underworld. It will kill them all instantly, and this world will finally be safe.”

A hush fell over the throne room. Everyone stared at her, measuring her words to see if they were tipped in gold or ash. She had to hope they would be willing to see the truth for what it was. If they decided to focus on the throne and the rift between light and dark fae, then the demons would swarm in and take this castle before they had a chance to strike back.

Norah nodded at Bree from where she still stood beside the throne. “And you believe you can bring the light into Underworld?”

Bree pressed her lips together. “I think I know what I need to do, but I won’t lie. There’s a chance it won’t work. And if it doesn’t, everyone will need to flee to Otherworld. As long as it’s daylight there, you’ll be safe from the demons.”

“And what about when night falls there?” a fae called out.

“They’ll push through and find you wherever you hide. There are castles in Otherworld, but...”

“None of those will protect us any better than here,” Norah said. “Like Bree said, there is a risk to this. But staying here, fighting them from behind these walls, it’s no better. The only way we’re going to beat them is if we find the strength within ourselves to take a chance. It’s time we finally came together as one people. We don’t need to be at odds or at war. We need to be allies.”

“And what about the demon king here?” someone shouted. “He’s one of them!”

Bree frowned down at the floor, but she wouldn’t speak for Taveon. This was his fight, and his alone. She sent him comforting thoughts through the bond, and she felt him soak them up like a sponge.

He cleared his throat. “You’re right. I am the demon king, but my loyalty is to this realm. It has always been to this realm, these people, this court. The power that runs through my veins cannot change that. And I would gladly give up every bit of it if it means keeping all of you safe.”

Taveon glanced at Bree, and she nodded. They’d discussed her idea on the way here, and while it made her gut feel like a mess of writhing snakes, the decision was his. It would likely hurt him. It could take so much from him. But he hadn’t even hesitated when he’d agreed to do whatever it took to save his people.

Even if he never sat on a throne again, Taveon was a king.

He pulled in a breath. “While you draw the demons toward the Faerie Ring, Bree will siphon my power into the stones. It should be enough to end this.”

The crowd began whispering. Bree looked toward the dais where Norah stared at her with pinched brows. She understood what Taveon would give up in order to do this. If Bree was right, he would lose his demon magic. His enhanced strength would leave him, as well as his immortality. The next time someone tried to stab him, he would not recover.

If the dark fae did not recognize that sacrifice for what it was...well, then there was no convincing them to put the anger aside and fight together.

Norah clapped her hands to settle down the crowd. “Quiet. We don’t have much time. The demons are out there on that field. We need to draw them toward the Faerie Ring before they resume their attack on this castle. That is an order.”