Shouts rang up behind them. Taveon growled and pushed his wings from his back, their brilliant light spilling all around them. He wound his hands around Bree’s waist and shoved up from the ground without a single word of warning.

The ground was ripped out from beneath her, and Bree swallowed down a cry of surprise. Nausea churned in her gut as the world tipped to the side.

Bree clenched her jaw and glanced over her shoulder, eyes narrowing against the rush of wind. Down below, the demon camp sprang to life. The horned creatures were awake and racing through the grass, pounding their fists at the sky.

“Can they not fly?” she shouted at Taveon.

He shook his head. “I don’t know. Either way, they’re angry, and they won’t be far behind us.”

“We have to get back to the castle,” she said, heartbeat thrumming in her neck. “Before the demons reach their army and tell them to attack again.”

He nodded grimly. They would have to fly all the way back without stopping. If they slowed down, they’d risk getting surrounded by the enemy again. Bree could already feel his exhaustion, the difficulty he had of holding on to her with the chains locked around his wrists. And she could do nothing to help with her own hands trapped.

When they reached the castle, they’d have no time to rest. They had to warn the others and make for the Faerie Ring that led into Otherworld. Bree knew how to stop this now, but it wouldn’t be easy, and it would probably hurt.

And she was the only one who could do it.