Bree froze. The sharp tip of the sword pressed against the back of her neck, biting her skin. She swallowed hard, and the map shuddered in her fingertips. For a moment, she’d thought she’d convinced the Master that she wasn’t a threat. Clearly, he was better at pretending than she was.

“Fire Eaters,” he said in a low, dangerous voice, “are not front line fodder. They’re some of our most powerful fighters, able to breathe flames onto a field of enemies. There are only five in existence. Ancient beings who are known to me. I can tell you every single one of their names. You are not one of them.”

Her gut twisted. She’d been fumbling along from the moment she’d stepped inside this tent, but she hadn’t realized just how badly she’d done. Every word the Master had said had been meant to snag her, to make her look like a fool in front of them. They’d never believed her for one second. Hell, she doubted any of the other demons had, either, if these Fire Eaters were as impressive as the Master said they were.

Or...was this another trick? Were these the false words meant to trap her?

There was no way to know for sure. Squeezing her eyes tight, she knew he had her. Either way, she was fucked.

Still, she refused to give up. “I told you, I’m kind of confused right now. I think I hit my head when we were marching across the—”

He pressed the dagger harder against her skin. She winced from the flare of pain.

“I appreciate the commitment to your ruse, but there is nothing to be gained by continuing.” He stepped in closer to whisper into her ear. “You are not a Fire Eater, and you have no knowledge of our how army works here. Do you know what else? You reek of dark fae.”

Her bones wobbled, a spike of terror stabbing her right in the gut. Bree had failed. The Master had seen through every single thing she’d said and done, and now he would kill her. Despite what she’d said to the others, the threat of death was like a vampire sucking away all of her hope. She didn’t know how much Taveon’s powers could protect her. Yes, she’d brought back those birds, but did that really mean anything?

Could she heal herself if this monster tried to kill her?

The blade vanished from her neck, and she sucked in a deep gulp of air, but then the Master whirled her on her feet to face him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Taveon squirming around his bonds.

“Who are you? Why do you look like one of us?” he demanded.

She pressed her lips together.

“If you answer me, I won’t cut his arm off.” He pointed his dagger at Taveon, arching a bushy brow. “We have to deliver him to the Grand Master alive, but he doesn’t care what we do with him in the meantime. If we cut it off the arm, it’ll grow back. It’ll be awfully painful, though.”

Bree curled her lip back and snarled. All that did was make the Master smile. “See, that’s what I thought. You care about this pathetic half-breed. So, go on then. Out with it. Who are you?”

“My name is Bree Paine,” she said, as if that would mean anything to this monster. “I came from the castle. I’m one of them.”

“Huh.” He folded his arms and considered her. “Mind telling me why you thought bringing him straight to us was a good idea?”

“I wanted to stop you from attacking the castle.”

“But you care about him. Don’t pretend you don’t. I saw the look on your face when I threatened him.”

Bree needed to step very carefully here. She couldn’t let him know that she knew about the realms and what they’d done to them, or that she was in search of a way to reverse it. At least not yet.

“I do care about him. I just also happen to care about everyone else inside that castle.” That wasn’t the full truth. Some of the fae in there could suck it. They’d been nothing but horrible to her. Of course, that didn’t mean they deserved to die.

The Master cocked his head. “I’d be inclined to believe you if you hadn’t lied to bring him to me. What’s the point of wearing this illusion?”

“Not everyone inside wanted me to bring him here.”

He pursed his lips and scratched at his hairy jaw. “And then you kept up the ruse when you were in here. Something doesn’t add up.”

Bree blew out a breath. “Listen. This is kind of terrifying, all right? I walked straight into an enemy army. A demon army. We don’t even really know how powerful you are, just that you’re a threat. When I got here, I didn’t want to let you know I didn’t belong in case you decided to take me captive or something.”

He grunted. “You talk a good game, I’ll give you that. Unfortunately, I just don’t trust a damn word that comes out of your mouth. I might have let you go if you’d been truthful to begin with, but I can’t help but think there’s something else you’re not saying. So, thank you for delivering Taveon to us. We’ll gladly take him. But you know what? We’ll take you, too.”

Bree’s jaw dropped as horror rushed through her veins like a storm. She took a step away from him, but she had nowhere to go. The wall of the tent stood behind her, and the Master blocked the path out through the flap. Even if she did make it out there, hundreds of demons stood in the way of safety.

“Take me where?” she whispered. “To your realm?”