The demons were coming. Bree paced in the throne room while Rafe hunted for the keys to Taveon’s cell in Lord Dagen’s quarters. Eurig and Norah were with her, along with all four of Norah’s mates, some of Eurig’s closest friends from the outposts, and the council of Underworld. Some of the dark fae didn’t look too thrilled about the recent developments, but they hadn’t raised a hand against any of them. Yet.

The threat of the enemy was far more pressing.

“Lord Dagen overstepped,” Ethne said, fiddling with her braided hair. She frowned at Bree. “But that doesn’t change what our king is. Our people will be uneasy if she sits back on that throne.”

“Honestly.” Bree threw up her hands. “Don’t we have more important things to worry about besides Taveon’s ass on that chair?”

Eurig’s lips quirked. “You’re the only one thinking about his ass, Bree.”

Norah coughed, pressing her fingers to her lips in a failed attempt to hide her smile.

Ethne shot them both a look. “Now is not the time for jokes.”

“Oh, I wasn’t joking.” Eurig grinned.

Bree rolled her eyes. “There is a demon army on its way. It won’t be far behind us, which means it will be here any day now. We need to focus on that instead of on who is king.”

“The dark fae need a leader,” Lady Ethne countered, folding her arms. “Especially during a time of war. Taveon shouldn’t sit on that throne again, so we need to decide who will, even if it isn’t official. We certainly don’t have time for a full-blown coronation, but we need to have someone take charge.”

“And I suppose you think that should be you,” Bree said coolly. She had always liked Ethne. During her early weeks spent in the dark fae court, Bree had felt lost and alone, but Ethne had tried to help guide her. The last thing she wanted was to butt heads now, but she wouldn’t back down about this, even against a friend.

Ethne lifted her slim shoulders in a shrug. “I’ve been a part of this court for centuries. My father is a lord, and my grandfather before him. I’ve sat on this council for decades, too. I’m not sure who else there is. That said...I fear they wouldn’t even accept me. I’m a female.”

Bree nodded at Norah.

“Oh, please.” Ethne shook her head. “Queen Norah is fabulous, I’m sure, but she is a female light fae. Besides, Otherworld is accessible only through a Faerie Ring. She cannot rule both realms.”

“Yeah, that whole female thing,” Bree said with a scowl. “It needs to change. Women are perfectly capable of being good rulers. In fact, I daresay they’d be better a lot of the time.”

Footsteps tapped against the stone floor. Bree whirled toward the open throne room door and caught a glimpse of the male whose soul she’d felt walking toward her. His hands hung heavy by his sides and exhaustion tugged down at the corners of his eyes. But he smiled, beaming at Bree.

She exclaimed and rushed toward him, launching up into his arms. He lifted her from the floor and clutched her tight against his chest. She breathed him in, all his leather and steel. His cheek pressed against hers as her toes skimmed across the floor.

“You’re out of there,” she whispered. “You’re here.”

“I am.” Smashing her against his chest, his voice rumbled in his chest. “And I am never leaving your side again.”

She pulled back as he lowered her to the floor. His eyes caught hers, full of meaning. “I’m sorry for everything I said. I’m sorry for not believing you, Bree.” He cupped her cheek. “I should have listened to you. I was just…”


“It’s all right.” She smiled up at him. “All that matters is you’re here now.”

Ethne coughed. Heat rushed into Bree’s cheeks. In her excitement at seeing Taveon, she’d forgotten they had an audience. Shifting on her feet, she turned to face the crowd.

“Very heartwarming,” Ethne said. “But Taveon still can’t sit on that throne. Sorry, Taveon.”

“It’s fine,” he said tightly. “I always knew it would happen. I had just hoped…”

“Well, I have no problem with where you came from, frankly,” Norah said to him. “I’ll take over ruling this court for now, and I’d like to appoint you as my Hand, if you’d take the role. It’s your choice, of course, and I will not be offended if you say no. It’s quite the step down from being the king, I understand.”

Bree smiled when Taveon gazed at her old friend. Through the bond, Bree could feel the wheels of his mind turning. Deep down, she knew how he felt about ruling, even if he’d never admit it out loud. He’d taken the throne because he felt a duty to do so, not because he enjoyed wearing a crown. He thought it was the best way to lead Underworld toward a better future, and he hadn’t trusted anyone else to do a better job.

Taveon didn’t know Norah, but he’d heard Bree speak about her often enough to understand the kind of person she was. She’d brought Otherworld together when they’d been split apart for years. They’d been at odds, fighting against each other, trying to rip each other apart.