Lord Dagen lounged on the throne while courtiers brought him platters of grapes, meats, and cheese. He popped the fruit into his mouth and chewed the sweet flesh while he scanned a few reports the scouts had brought back. There had been no sign of Bree or the king and queen who had gone after her. He smiled as he wadded the parchment in his fist.

The idiots. They never should have left him alone in this castle. If he’d been in charge of either of those armies, he would have sent out others in his stead, as he’d done himself. Eurig and Norah both knew he’d taken Taveon prisoner, and yet…

Soon, he would control the outposts and Otherworld, too.

There was just the matter of the demon army. Perhaps he could form some kind of truce with them. If they wanted Taveon, he would give them Taveon. What did the half-breed matter to him? By trading him for peace, Dagen could rid himself of any threat to his new crown.

The door thundered open, and a cluster of sweat-soaked bodies stumbled inside, eyes wild, breaths ragged. He scowled when he saw their faces. It was that bloody Otherworld queen and Eurig, the outposter. Where were his damn useless guards? He’d told them not to let the monarchs in!

But then his eyes caught on Bree. Her leathers were covered in mud, and her hair was a wild tangle filled with thorns. His chest constricted, and a part of him he’d tried to forget wanted nothing more than to rush to her and wrap her up in his arms.

Emotions were not for the weak, he reminded himself. And Bree had made her choice. She’d sided with Taveon, making her stance clear. They were enemies now and always would be.

“What is this about?” he snapped, refusing to stand. Kings did not rise.

Bree scowled at him. She always did these days. It felt as though it had been years since she'd gazed at him with soft eyes. He doubted she ever would again. “No ‘happy to see you’ or relief that I’m not, you know,dead?”

He waved a hand dismissively. “You’re Bree. You can look after yourself.”

“You’re right,” she said proudly. “I can. Except when corrupt fae capture me, put me in a dungeon, and agree to hand me over to a demon army that is on their way to this castle right this minute.”

Dagen sat up a little straighter on the throne. All right. She had his attention now.

“What do you mean?” he asked in a lethal quiet.

“Rafe and I went to find a way to stop all this.” She gestured at the silver-haired male beside her. Dagen frowned. Right. That one. He’d forgotten about that pesky creature, always by Bree’s side. He’d escaped at some point, too. “Instead, we found the Worm and a demon army. They were camped out beside Munlin, and they’ve followed us back.”

Frowning, Dagen pushed up. “You mean to tell me that you led the demon army here?”

“No, I didn’tleadthem here since they were, you know,already determined to come here in the first place,” she snapped, fisting her hands. “Honestly, Dagen, are you really trying to blame me for all this?”

“LordDagen,” he replied through gritted teeth. “Soon to be your king. You will address me with the proper title”

“You will never be my king.” Bree laughed, and a dagger of ice scraped down Dagen’s spine. He had allowed her too much free rein. She was going to force his hand. As much as he hated the idea of teaching her a lesson, he would do it if he must.

Norah strode forward, Eurig by her side. “Actually, we’ve decided to strip you of your title, Dagen. You’re no longer considered a lord, and you’ll need to step down from that throne now as well.”

His eyes nearly bugged out of his head. With a low, long laugh, Dagen tried to wrap his mind around their incredible audacity. Who did they think they were?Hewas the ruler of this land.Hehad taken the throne and crown as his. If it weren’t for him, Taveon, the half-demon, would still be in charge.

“This is my throne,” he growled, a wicked smile curling his lips. “And I’m so very glad you returned, Norah, for I have an empty cell set up just for you. You see, a little bird told me a very interesting story. You were the one who killed our prior king.”

Norah went still. Dagen expanded his chest in victory. Did she really think they’d never find out? Fillan saw everything, and it was easy to buy his allegiance. All he wanted was gold. He’d been flittering around, whispering words into Bree’s ears, hoping to lead her in the right direction. All for one reason only. He wanted to get rich.

“You’re right. I did.” She nodded, surprising him. Her eyes flashed. “He was a cruel and wicked king, and he was leading your people into ruin.”

“I’m afraid the dark fae will never see it that way.”

“The dark fae and light fae are one realm, divided only by magic. We are one world, one people.” Her footsteps echoed in the silent throne room as she moved closer. “And all of it ismine.”

He barked out a laugh, turning to Bree, of all people. Surely she did not believe this madness. “Something strange is happening to your friend. Power has made her delusional.”

“No, that would be you, Dagen. You’ve flown too close to the sun, and now you’re going to burn.” Her fists unclenched and claws lengthened from her curled fingers. Shock punched him in the gut, and he stumbled back. He saw the threat for what it was, and he’d even expected it. Even so, it took him by surprise. A part of him had hoped that Bree would come around. She’d see him as who he really was—the rightful ruler.

And now she would have to die for this.

“Guards!” he called out, his voice booming against the stone walls.

Bree came closer, her lips pressed together. “The guards aren’t going to answer, Dagen.”

He pressed his back against the throne and saw the truth for what it was. His hands itched for a sword, but he had none. If the guards were gone…he swallowed hard. There was nothing he could do against a Redcap.

“Bree, please,” he said in a hoarse voice. “You can’t do this.”

“I can and I will. Don’t worry. We aren’t going to kill you. Yet. You’re going straight to the dungeons.” She raised a clawed hand. “And if you do anything to try and escape, I will kill you.”