Her heart leapt into her throat as she rolled to the side just as another slice of the sword hurtled toward her.

Norah rushed forward and shoved her blade right into the demon’s gut. He growled, his hands shaking, as he grabbed the blade and shoved it out. Blood scattered like leaves in the wind, but the demon barely blinked an eye. The force of his shove knocked Norah back, and her weapon flew from her hands, landing with a splash in the nearby waves.

Breath heaving, Bree climbed to her feet and snarled at the beast that towered over her. Even in her amplified form, the demon was massive compared to her. He pulled his lips back from his sharp teeth and laughed. The sound scraped down her spine.

But what the demon did not realize was that in the midst of the fight, they’d slowly surrounded him. Rafe pointed the tip of his sword right at the base of the demon’s neck. And then he shoved.

Blood spurted from the wound as the demon fell. His body collided with the ground in a thunderous crash. Bree danced back out of the way, her heart still raging like an angry bull.

Rafe yanked the sword from the demon’s head and wiped the blood against his muddy trousers. He shot Bree a grim look before he sheathed the blade.

“Do you hear that?” he asked.

Swallowing, Bree cocked her head and listened. At first, she heard nothing other than the sound of their ragged breaths and the rustle of the waves lapping against the shore, but then...there. Just beneath those steady sounds, she could hear a rumble.

It was the sound of footsteps, heavy against the dirt.Lotsof footsteps. She lifted her eyes, her gut clenching. The demons were on their way here now.

She and Eurig remained in their Redcap forms while they wound around the city wall and made for the fields that would lead them back to the court. With every step they took, the sound of rushing footsteps only grew louder.

The demons were not far behind.