“Thank god,” Norah whispered. “You’re not dead.”

Bree grinned back as Eurig slid a key into the lock and released them from the cell. He swept her up in a hug, crushing her to his chest. He smelled like musk and dirt, and her heart swelled. She had no idea how they were here, but it didn’t matter. He’d found her.

When he lowered her back to the ground, she looked back and forth between him and Norah. “Where’s the Worm? How did you know we were here?”

“The Worm is dead,” Eurig said.

Bree’s mouth dropped open. “You killed him?”

“He tried to kill me first,” Norah said, brushing her hands against her trousers, but it did little good. Her palms just got even more dirt on them. “Eurig morphed into his lion thing and took care of it. Unfortunately, I think that demon army now knows we’re here.”

Bree nodded. “Lord Worm planned on giving us to them in the morning. We need to get out of here before they realize that’s not going to happen.”