Somehow knowing this was her end.

The final battle.

Lord Worm’s boots rattled as he stopped outside the cell. “Well, isn’t this sweet? The captives are lovers, enjoying their final embrace. Maybe I should make you undress and put on a show.” His eerie laughter echoed through the silent halls.

Bree unraveled herself from Rafferty’s arms and stood glaring at the fae.

He held up his hands in mock surrender. “I’m joking. I care little for the lusts of men, and your noises would interrupt my quiet. I can’t think of much worse than watching you two ride each other like mares in heat.”

“What do you want from us?” she snapped.

She felt Rafe’s hand on her back as he stood beside her.

The Worm’s laughter died. His gaze turned serious. “You were given an hour to tour my library, and you overstayed your welcome.”

“By how long?” Bree countered.

“One minute.”

She barked out a laugh. “And so you’re going to kill us because we stayed a minute too long?”

“I’m not going to kill you.” He smiled. “I’m going to hand you over to the demon army. They’ve come through the gate, or did you not know?”

Bree’s lips parted, her gut churning. So, the demons truly had come into Underworld. Had they attacked? Bree and Rafe had come all this way for answers, but it never would have been enough. Even if they’d found a solution in the many pages, it wouldn’t have mattered. It was too late.

He nodded, as if her expression answered everything. “I thought you would have noticed the storms ended. The demons are through, camping only a few fields to the west. They plan to begin their march toward your court in the morning.”

“And you’re just going to hand us over to them?” Bree fought the urge to shake.

“They’ve agreed to bypass Munlin if I give you to them.” He shrugged. “I have no attachment to you or any of the courtiers. My lands will be safe. That’s all that matters to me.”

Shock punched her in the gut. “You truly believe that?”

“They don’t want these lands. They want Taveon. And they want the human realm. Fine with me. They can have all of that.”

Her blood boiled. She had met a lot of selfish people in her life, but this one took the cake. Anyone who would sacrifice an entire world just for his own selfish reasons was a monster. And yet, there was nothing she could do about it. He was out there. She was in here. Taveon knew where she was, but he could not get to her. He was half a realm away, behind his own set of bars.

Norah and Eurig, they’d have no idea. How could they?

The Worm smiled. “Enjoy your final night. I’m delivering you to the demons before they set off at first light.”