Rafe shrugged. “No one understands. This is the only place in all of Munlin not covered in dust and mud. Speaking of…” Rafe pointed at a mat just inside the door. “We have to take our shoes off.”

Fine with Bree. She pulled off her muddy boots and stretched her toes, sighing at the feel of the plush carpet beneath her feet. While Rafferty followed suit, she wandered over to the card catalogue and pulled out a random drawer. Where to even begin? How were they going to find the information they needed in less than an hour?

The moments ticked by as Bree spun through the little cards, seeking anything that stood out from the rest. History.Ancienthistory. The creations of the world. Rafe joined her, pulling and shutting the drawers. At least half an hour passed before she found anything useful.

“Found a book on Otherworld,” she said, pulling the card from the drawer and wandering through the shelves until she found the right spot. The book looked old, but so did the rest of them. She slid it from its perch and flipped open the cover. Parchment and dust flooded her senses.

Rafe wandered over and glanced over her shoulder. “Anything useful?”

The pages fanned out before her. Bree scanned the words, but nothing jumped out at her. “Nope.”

“On to the next, then.” Rafe and Bree returned to the catalogue to continue their search. The minutes ticked by far too quickly. Soon, close to an hour had passed, and they had no more information than they did when they’d walked through those doors.

“There are just too many books.” Bree slammed one of the drawers shut. “Not a sentence I ever thought I’d say, by the way.”

“We need more time.” He glanced at the open door. “But the Worm will never let us stay here.”

Bree frowned and tried another drawer. The first card in the slot snagged her attention, hooking her closer. She pulled it out. Land origins. That was all it said. And it could mean anything. What land? The lines of the territories? The type of soil scattered through the realm? Or did it refer to what Bree hoped?

She scurried over to the shelf and pulled out the book. It weighed heavy in her hands. She flipped it open and read the first page, excitement ticking through her.

“Anwynn, the land of magic, home to the fae who could wield magic over the elements, the seasons, and the sky itself.” Bree’s heart thumped. She rose her voice to call through the library. “Rafe, I think I’ve got something!”

Footsteps thumped nearby. Rafe appeared before her, his expression pained. “You’re right. We do. The Worm is here.”

A six foot tall male stepped up behind Rafe. His ears cut through his tangled brown hair, and horns protruded from his skull. Spittle dripped down his chin, landing on his stained shirt. He pressed the tip of a very long knife against Rafe’s neck. “Why the fuck are you still in my library?”