As if reading his mind—which she probably was—Bree sighed. “It is my home, Taveon. I’m still here, aren’t I? If I haven’t left by now, I’m never going to.”

Her voice rang with conviction, but he could still hear a hint of doubt. He could feel the yearning for New York, for humanity. For movies and sunshine, for buildings that stretched up to the stars. A part of her did miss that place. He wished he could give it back to her now.

“There is one thing,” he finally said with begrudging tension. It was a thing he’d never shared with anyone, not even Rafferty or Eurig, his oldest and closest friends. Taveon trusted them with his life, of course, but secrets were like sand. They easily slipped through fingers. He couldn’t risk the wrong person finding out.

Bree was not the wrong person. She was right in every way.

But if any of the dark fae at court found out…they would no doubt use it against him.

“We’re talking in our heads, Taveon,” she said softly, sensing his thoughts. “I won’t speak it aloud to anyone. It will be impossible for anyone else to ever find out.”

Taveon wasn’t convinced. Despite his efforts, the entire court now knew he was the spawn of a demon. He had no idea how Fillan had whittled that information out of the proverbial wood of knowledge, but he had. He could probably find this out, too, regardless of whether Taveon told Bree. Might as well let her in on it.

It wouldn’t help them, though.

“There is one thing,” he said grimly. “Unfortunately, it will have no effect on this war.”

He felt Bree perk up, excitement charging through her. Taveon sighed.

“Well, go on,” she said eagerly. “What is it?”

“Sunlight,” he said dryly. “I discovered this when I travelled into Otherworld for Norah and then for you. I could spend less than an hour in that realm, beneath the gaze of the sun, before my skin began to burn. Too long spent in the light would turn me to ash. It’s the only way to kill me.”

Taveon felt Bree’s hope drop. Her one idea for fighting the demons, gone in an instant. The sunlight would do them little good. It didn’t exist here in Underworld.

“Okay.” She blew out a breath. “That’s not ideal.”

“You cannot tell a soul, Bree,” Taveon warned. “If Lord Dagen found out, or any of the others, they would drag me into Otherworld and let me burn.”

“I know. I would never tell anyone. You know that, right?”

He closed his eyes. “I do.”

“So, what can we do?” she asked. “Lead them into Otherworld? If they can’t survive there…maybe we could relocate all the dark fae. Go through the gate.”

“The demons would never go,” Taveon said. “Not during daylight. They would hold back until night fell, and then they’d attack. Slaughter all the troops within a single night. Harsh but effective. Besides…the dark fae love this realm, Bree.”

“I understand,” she whispered. “They wouldn’t want to abandon it. Neither do I.”

Suddenly, alarm jolted through Bree. “Someone’s at my door. I have to go. I’ll speak with you soon.”