“Indestructible,” she murmured.

“Yes, exactly.”

She slammed the door in his face and stalked over to the open window. Bree had kept it cracked just in case Rafe needed to come home. She hated the idea of him out there in the forest alone. Monsters lurked in those woods. But even in the dead of night, he’d never showed. Hopefully, that meant nothing had gone wrong.

With a sigh, Bree paced the floor. Conlan’s words had dug deep into her skin where they buried themselves. Taveon, a half-demon, was immortal. He couldn’t be killed. That only meant one thing. The demon army heading their way could not be defeated, either. If no one could kill Taveon, no one could kill the enemy.

Unless they had a weakness. Unfortunately, the only person who might know if they did was hidden beneath this castle, behind lock and key.

They were well and truly fucked.

* * *

“The least you can do is let me see him.” Bree stood outside of Lord Dagen’s quarters, trying her best to play nice. That was made increasingly difficult when he opened the door, revealing two naked fae draped across his bed. It hadn’t taken long for him to move on from whatever they had shared.

His eyes gleamed as he took her in. A smile curled his lips. “Care to join us?”

Bree nearly threw up in her mouth. “I’d rather face the demon army alone.”

“You’re clearly jealous.” Mirth danced in his eyes. “Did you think I’d save myself for you? Get on my knees and beg you to reconsider.”

“Let me see him,” Bree snapped. “For ten minutes. And then I’ll never bother you again.”

That last part was a lie. She would stab him in the chest as soon as she got her chance.

He seemed to hear the threat in her voice as his lips pressed together. “I can’t risk you trying something idiotic, Bree. You might spare no feelings for me, but I do care about your well-being. I do not want to see you killed.”

“You mean, you don’t want to have to order me killed.”

“I’ll accompany you.”

“No,” she said more harshly than she'd intended. The last thing she wanted was for Dagen to listen to her conversation with Taveon. Bree was going to ask him point blank if there was any way to kill him. She didn’t want Dagen to get that information.

She cleared her throat and bit her tongue. The lie she was about to tell burned her throat. “I’m upset. My emotions are all over the place. I’m still trying to sort out how I feel about you, and if you come with me, it’ll make things more complicated. Just send some guards with me. They won’t let me do anything stupid.”

He chuckled and leaned against the doorframe. “I knew you weren’t over it yet. You never will be.”

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Ten minutes. That’s all I’m asking.”

He stared at Bree for a moment, considering. And then he nodded. “All right. I’ll let you see him. But I’m warning you, Bree, if you do anything, I will not spare you.”

And she wouldn’t spare him either. Soon, she would take up arms against Dagen. Bree couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he realized he never should have threatened those she loved.

* * *

Taveon lounged on his bed, ankles crossed, as he idly flipped through a leather-bound book. His strong jaw was amplified by the flickering torchlight, and the strength of him had not dimmed. He was like the stars in the sky. His light never went out.

He snapped the book shut when he heard Bree’s footsteps echoing down the dungeon corridor. She was surrounded on all sides. Three guards in front, three in back. Three more stood at one end of the corridor, with five beside the door leading out of the caverns. She’d have to spill a lot of blood if she wanted to break Taveon out of here.

His eyes widened when he saw her. She gave him a soft smile and stepped up to the bars. “Bree? He let you in here to see me?”

“We’ve got ten minutes.” Bree nodded at the guards on either side of her. “Can you give us a little space? I just want to talk to him.”

They shifted away, but only slightly. They’d still be able to hear every word. Bree nibbled on her bottom lip. She’d have to be careful.

Taveon pushed up onto his feet and met her beside the bars. His crooked smile spoke to her soul. “It’s been lonely in here without the bond. It would have been nice to feel that connection with you…”

She understood how he felt all too well. “Is there any way to redo it?”