Bree straightened as Rafe tugged off every item of clothing. He wrapped it all up in a bundle before leaning out the window and tossing it all to the ground. Bree could not help but stare at him. His carved muscles. His gleaming back. He was one of the most beautiful beings she’d ever laid eyes on. If only they could forget about Dagen and spend the next few hours in the bed.

Before he transformed into his raven, Rafe kissed her fiercely, his fingers tangled in her hair. “I’ll be able to see the dungeons without the guards taking too much notice of me. Once I know what we’re up against, I’ll return and let you know.”

Footsteps echoed outside the door.

Rafe transformed into a raven, his skin replaced by midnight feathers that flared against the night air. And then he was gone.

The door swung open, and Dagen strode inside. Bree held herself steady as he swept his gaze through the room. A scowl transformed his face.

“Where the hell is Rafferty?” he barked out.

Bree shrugged. “I thought you sent him to the barracks.”

He narrowed his eyes and strode toward her, his body pulsing with tension. “I know he came here, Bree. You think I didn’t accompany him? I saw him walk through the damn door.”

“He went out the window,” she said sweetly. “Did you really think you could cage a fae who can shift into a bird? Kind of silly of you. Not a good start for your rule, I think.”

Dagen stared at her, anger churning in his eyes. Her stomach did a little flip. Gone was the kind lord who had stood by her side. “You won’t think this is amusing when this court captures him and kills him.”

“You’ll never get your hands on him,” she hissed back.

He shook his head, his eyes softening for a moment. “Bree, why are you fighting me like this? I thought you and I had something. Something far beyond all of this. Together, we can tackle this looming war. Together, we can save Underworld. I’m on your side.”

“You arenoton my side.”

Sadness turned down his lips. “Taveon is dangerous. He is not fit to be king. Look at what is happening because of him. His very existence threatens the world.Allthe worlds. And I thought that was what mattered to you most.”

Bree folded her arms. “Tell me, Dagen. If you win this fight against the demon army, do you plan to fulfil Taveon’s promise to me?”

He frowned. “What promise?”

“He vowed to find a way to end the Tithe.”

“Not that again.”

“Yes,” Bree said. “That again.”

“It’s impossible. Dark fae need to draw upon human life-force to survive.” He shook his head. “Taveon knows that, too. He only told you he’d try to end the Tithe so that you would stop pestering him about it.”

Bree’s heart thumped hard. “I’m going to take that as a no.”

Dagen grabbed her arm and yanked her toward him. Her hands splayed across his chest. Gritting her teeth, she pushed at him, but he held her in place. His eyes bored into hers. “Why are you being like this? I know you feel the bond we have. I know you have feelings for me, just as I do for you. Stop fighting me, Bree.”

Tears burning her eyes, she called upon all her strength and shoved. Dagen’s eyes went wide as he stumbled back. A deep, dark power flooded Bree’s veins, lifting her hair from her shoulders. She growled at him. Really growled. Like the beast she was.

“Do not touch me ever again,” Bree said in a voice as deep as the night.

Dagen blinked, his cheeks turning white. Bree couldn’t help but smile at his shock. “What are you doing?”

“I’m not the scared little Redcap you first met, Lord Dagen. I’m something else now. You better be careful how far you push me.”

“You’re speaking to the acting king,” he said with narrowing eyes. “I care for you, Bree, but you cannot—”

“Rafe is gone. You have a war to discuss. And even if you’re an acting king, these are still my private quarters. Leave me alone, Dagen. I don’t want to see your face for a good long while.”

Pain washed through his expression, the turmoil clear in his eyes. Bree’s heart hurt. He was right about one thing. Once, they had shared a deepening bond. She’d developed feelings for him over time. It pained her to see what he’d become now. Every feeling she’d had was stomped down beneath the hooves of his words. Now, he was no better than any of the rest of them.

He’d become enemy number one.