Bree couldn’t help but smile. “If you were me, you’d probably already be in the dungeons by now.”

“I would have gone without even talking to anyone about it.” Norah laughed and shook her head. “And then I’d end up trapped down there myself.”

“I can get him out of there, Norah. I know I can. If I use my Redcap powers, surely I’d be strong enough to rip a door off hinges.”

“And what will that accomplish?” Norah asked, staring into the flames.

Bree’s heart thumped. “It would free Taveon.”

“He’d have to leave this place,” Norah countered. “Find somewhere to hide that the court cannot find him. They don’t want him here, Bree. I heard what they were saying. They want to rip his limbs from his body, wait for them to regrow, and then do it all over again.”

Bree shuddered. Some of the dark fae were kind and opposed to violence, but there were plenty who were vicious and cruel. She knew Norah wasn’t exaggerating. They really would do that to Taveon if they could get their hands on him.

“So, then we find somewhere he can hide out.”

Norah swept her gaze her way, considering. “And you think that’s the right answer to this problem? What happens when the demons come for him?”

“I don’t know, Norah. If the dark fae can’t find him, maybe the demons won’t be able to, either. In fact, it’s probably better if he isn’t at this castle when they attack.”

She pursed her lips. “You might be right about that.”

Bree sat up a little straighter in her chair. When she’d first sat down for this chat, she’d assumed Norah would do her damnedest to talk her out of freeing Taveon. But now she seemed to be reconsidering. “We’ve both been caged, Norah. Wouldn’t you say that being free is better than that, even if means spending the rest of your life hiding where no one can find you?”

Norah’s eyes glassed over as she no doubt recounted in her mind those days spent trapped in the very dungeons beneath this castle. Taveon had captured her once, convinced she was the answer to ending the Tithe. In the end, he’d released her. And then he’d taken Bree instead.

Funny how they were now discussing ways to free the very same fae who had once been their captor.

“Besides,” Bree said. “He still wants to find a way to end the Tithe. When all of this is over, he might be the key to saving humans from that darkness.”

“You know what?” Norah whispered, her eyes darting to the closed door, just to check that no one was listening. “I was against this at first, but I think you might have a point. Free Taveon. Keep him safe from the dark fae and the demons. And then we might have a chance of ending the Tithe. Do you think he’d agree to that?”

“Absolutely.” Bree smiled. “Let’s do the impossible.”