A strange smile whispered across his lips. “Do you truly think I am capable of reversing whatever magic has put dear Taveon into this trance? I am afraid I may not be as powerful as youthink.”

“So, it is magic?” she pressed. “It’s not some kind ofpoison?”

“It could be magic. It could be poison. I cannotsay.”

Frustration took hold. Fillan was starting to get on Bree’s damn nerves. “Honestly, why the hell are you here? Just tell me what you want and get it overwith.”

Fillan stepped close, bringing with him the scent of burning embers. His chest brushed against hers, and she froze, her lungs filling with timid breaths. “I am surprised you are so eager to rid yourself of me. After our kiss, it seemed as though you quite liked mypresence.”

Her whole body went taut as warmth began to spread through her neck and cheeks. “Don’t be ridiculous. That was merely forshow.”

Except, even though it had been for show, Bree couldn’t deny that she had very much liked her kiss with Fillan. It had been hot and passionate and deliciously dangerous. Shaking her head, she tried to force her feet to step back, but she was rooted to the spot. She didn’t understand what was wrong with her. She and Rafe were very much an item, she felt a strange attraction toward Lord Dagen, Taveon was bonded to her mind, her heart, her soul, and now this. It was as if Norah’s choice to have a harem had dug its way into Bree’s head, and now Bree wanted the very same thing her best friendhad.

But that was ridiculous. Norah was a Greater Fae and the ruler of the Light Fae realm. She was magically destined to have four mates. Bree wasn’t. Bree was just a human who had become a fae through the Starlight cure. Most fae didn’t have multiple mates. In fact, Norah was the first indecades.

Fillan’s lips quirked as he gazed down at Bree, their chests still brushing in an intoxicating way. “It is quite difficult for me to believe it was merely for show when my presence unnerves youso.”

“Don’t be so cocky.” And with that, Bree stepped back, though her body scolded her for the move. “I know you didn’t come here just to tease me about the kiss. You want me to repay you for what you did, even though I clearly didn’t ask you to do a damn thing, much less kill a bunch ofchampions.”

Shivers coursed along her skin. Bree needed to remember exactly what Fillan was. An assassin. And no amount of smooth talking and beautiful looks could change what he did for a living. He killed people. And that was something that Bree could never accept, especially not when he went around saying he did it forher.

“You did not ask aloud, but you wished it all the same.” He tucked a finger under her chin, and she shivered. “You desired Taveon to become King, for your own agenda, and yet you did not wish to kill a soul to make it happen, even though that was what was required of you. You volunteered to be his champion, knowing that you would be required to kill others. Do not act as though you are aboveme.”

“No, butI—”

“I need you to look into something for me,” he said, his voice suddenly serious. “The answers you find are important to the future of this Court and thisrealm.”

Bree swallowed hard. “Just go ahead and tell me what itis.”

“Why does Taveon refuse to spread hiswings?”

Bree blinked at him. “I think you must be living under a rock, Fillan. That information became public. Taveon has spent his life refusing to spread his wings because it would have revealed that he isn’t King Midas’s true-bornson.”

“Oh, I did not miss that.” His eyes glittered, even in the darkness of the room. “But I daresay there is much more to it than that. Even after the reveal of his heritage, or the lack thereof, he has still yet to spread his wings, even at the coronation.Why?”

Bree fumbled for an answer. “Because he doesn’t want to use them forintimidation…”

But that wasn’t right. Something strange niggled in the back of Bree’s mind, like a long forgotten dream from years past. Taveon had used many excuses for his wings since she’d met him, but deep down inside she knew that none of them had been the complete truth. He’d been adamant she not tell a soul that he could not be killed, that he had flown to her side with his silver wings that day he’d brought her to the Dark Faerealm.

And why was that? She was certain the truth lay somewhere inside her mind, but for some reason, it was hidden from hernow.

“Why are you asking me to do this? Aren’tyouthespy?”

“I am an assassin. Not a spy.” His twisted his lips into a smile. “And you are the one who has the bond with the King. If anyone can get to the truth, it isyou.”

With a heavy sigh, she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. “Sorry, Fillan. I just can’t. I refuse to work against Taveon. You can threaten me all you like, but I won’t doit.”

“I am not asking you to work against him. I am asking you to find out the truth of his nature, for the sake of the realm. If he is who—and what—I believe him to be, then we all might be in gravedanger.”

Frowning, Bree opened her mouth to ask what he meant by that, but he was gone in a puff of black smoke before she could get out a singleword.