“She will either kill or imprison them, probably both.” Eurig’s expression hardened as he remembered everything his Queen had done to him as well. “Some she will deem useful to her, so she will lock them up in your dungeons. Others…she will not want around. Taveon, for one. Most if not all of the council members. And I cannot see her wanting to keep Rafe around either. He’s too volatile, too loyal to theKing.”

Shivers coursed along Bree’s skin. She needed to find that raven, and then she needed to warn Taveon of what was about to come. She still hadn’t sent the information through the bond, knowing that he would only try to talk her out of bringing the raven back to life. Whatever he was scared him, and it scared Eurig, too. Bree had a feeling that she would understand that fear when she finally knew the full truth of him. But it was just one more raven. One more life she had to bring back. It was a life that could save the entirerealm.

“Right. Well, I’m not going to let her take it that easily,” Bree said with a nod, and crossed toward the open door. “I’m going to go get that raven. Don’t try to stopme.”

“I’m not going to try to stop you this time, Bree,” Eurig said, a new determination hardening his voice. “I’m going with you, and I am going to help you. The Queen has no claim over this throne, and I will not let her have it. If that means you bringing back another creature, then so beit.”

The Queen had done her best to beat him down, but she had failed. Eurig was stronger than he ever was, and she had made an enemy in him. An enemy that might very well end up being herundoing.

Bree and Eurig exited the hall and found the little patch of ground where Bree had buried the Raven. She sank to her knees and dug until she found it, extracting the fragile creature from the dirt. She hoped it hadn’t been too long. She hoped it wasn’t too late. The curse had happened days ago, and there was no more warmth left underneath the darkfeathers.

Bree closed her eyes and called to the brightness that sung through her veins. It sparked to life, that brilliant flame that licked her insides. It was brighter and harsher this day, the power so strong that she felt as if it might topple her to the ground. Bree dug her fingers into the dirt, one hand brushing against the birdsfeathers.

In the back of her mind, she heard Taveon whispering into her ear. The walls had fallen between them now, despite her every urge to keep them up. It was the intensity of the power, she realized. It had knocked away everything else. She was the power, and the power was her. They had become one, and a spark of fear lit in hergut.

She was not sure she would be able to let it go, not thistime.

“Bree,” Taveon whispered, his voice insistent. “Bree, please stop. This is a terrible, terrible idea. It will end up killing you if you are notcareful.”

Bree shook her head against his words. The power could not kill her. It had made her immortal, just like Taveon. It did not take life away. It gaveit.

Bree found every ounce of courage within her veins and she pushed the power down to her fingertips and into the cold bird. Her heart and soul felt torn in two as the magic ripped out of her body. Booms shook through her, and her eardrums popped in her head. Her vision went black, and the world went onmute.

Nothing existed but Bree and Bree alone. Without the power, she wasnothing.