Shit.Bree didn’t want to admit it to Eurig, but she’d totally forgotten all about the whole enhanced senses thing. That put more than a little bit of a damper on her plans. Because Eurig was right. Bree’s entire plan hinged on one thing, and that was her ability to sneak around for an indefinite amount of timeundetected.

No matter. She would just have to be more careful. Her footsteps would be quiet, and she would mask her scent as best shecould.

Halfway to the territory, Bree spotted a swamp. She pointed it out to Eurig and asked him to stop. After she jumped down from her horse, she strode straight toward the swamp and dunked down inside. The water was freezing, and the murky depths stank of death and decay, but it woulddo.

When she joined Eurig back at the horses, the look on his face was not one she had expected. He shook his head and laughed some more. “Do you have any idea how ridiculous youlook?”

“Laugh it up,” she said with a smug smile. “But this will prevent the Wilde Fae from smelling me. They’ll have no idea a shape-shifting fae is in their midst when every hint of me is doused out by the swampwater.”

He raised eyebrows, still laughing. “You do realize that the smell of that swamp water is far more potent than your own body odor? They will smell you a mileaway.”

Bree’s cheeks flushed with heat, but thankfully, he wouldn’t be able to see it this time, not with the mud caking her face. “The point is, I just smell like the earth. When they catch this scent, they’re not going to think that it’s someone lurkingnearby.”

“If you say so.” Eurig’s smile never faltered as he watched Bree try to mount her horse once again. This was one thing she hadn’t thought through. Her legs were coated with the mud, making her skin slippery against the horse’s back. Every time she thought she’d made it on, she ended up tumbling over the other side and falling face first on thedirt.

After at least a dozen attempts, Eurig broke free of his saddle and jumped down to help her clamber onto her horse. Even with his help, Bree barely managed to get a grasp on the reins. She slid one way and then another, the mud from her skin slipping against his. Just as she was about to take another hard tumble to the ground, Eurig caught her against hischest.

Her face smashed against him, and her hearttripped.

“Careful,” he said with a chuckle. “Or you’ll end up falling right back into my bedagain.”

Bree’s entire body warmed at the thought of it. It was the first time he had brought up their night together since they had awoken. And it was the first time she’d let herself dwell on the memories of his arms wrapped tight around her body as she moaned inpleasure.

Swallowing hard, she stared deep into his golden eyes, wanting nothing more than to give in to the desire twisting in her core. But she couldn’t. Not right now. The Court was depending on her. Swamp water or not, it was time to infiltrate theenemy.