And then its tiny wing twitched, so lightly that she couldn’t be certain it had even happened. She held her breath tight in her throat as she stared down at the creature. The wing twitched again. A single eye cracked open. Its beak parted. Bree sucked in a sharp breath and jumped to her feet, stumbling away from the now livingbird.

Because yes, it was alive. Very much alive. So alive that its little wings beat faster, and it lifted its body from the floor. Bree stared at the creature with an open mouth, her heart racing like a horse in her chest. She swore the raven looked at her and gazed deep within her soul, seeing the truth of what she haddone.

Footsteps pounded on the wooden floor, and Bree jerked her head toward the sound. It was Eurig. He was staring at the raven with an ashen face and eyes so wide they could rival themoon.

“Is that the same raven we found?” His voice was rough and ragged, as if he’d run twenty miles without pausing forbreath.

“Not the same one,” Bree said slowly. “But it was like the others. It was dead only a few momentsago.”

“Dead?” Eurig took a timid step further into the pub, his gaze locked on the raven that now fluttered before them both. The creature was not only alive, but it did not even appear to be wounded anymore. “But how is that even possible? Are you certain it was dead? And not justcursed?”

“Trust me, it was dead. Its stomach had been sliced open, and the blood all over the floor was the bird’s.” Bree swallowed hard, more than a little bit nervous to tell Eurig exactly what she was capable of now. “I…healedit.”

Eurig’s eyes widened. “You can’t be serious. No one can bring the dead back tolife.”

“Well, it appears Taveon can.” Bree lifted her eyebrows, hoping that Eurig would follow her train of thought so that she did not have to explain how exactly she’d come to enjoy this strange, unsettlingpower.

“You can heal others because of your bond, can’t you?” Eurig asked, nodding. “I thought so. When my sword went deeper into Rafferty than I intended...well, I am glad I was right.” He shook his head, frowning. “But being able to heal is a hell of a lot different than being able to breathe life back into a dead creature. I do not know if this is a good thing, Bree. I do not know if that is a kind of power anyone should be able towield.”

Bree knew he was right, in a way, but she did not want to admit it. She had never wanted her beastly powers, or the power to shapeshift intoanyanimal at all. She had never even particularly wanted the enhanced senses that many fae possessed, such as better hearing, sight, or smell. She wanted something more. Something powerful. Something that could truly make adifference.

And this was it. The power to bring the dead back tolife.