She was tense as she glanced his way, but she tried to hide the intensity of her wariness. “What do youmean?”

He let out a chuckle and shook his head. “Now is not the time to play coy. As I said before, Taveon and I are old friends. There are things about him that I know, things that no one else knows, except maybe you. And Rafe, ofcourse.”

Bree would not speak the words aloud, just in case he was referencing something completely different than what she thought. “Okay, so maybe you’re right. The bond we share gives me strength. The kind of strength that protects me. That said, the beast might have had trouble killing me, but it sure as hell hurt me far more than I’ve ever hurt before. And I don’t know about you, but I prefer not being an intenseagony.”

“I have seen Taveon in intense agony before,” Eurig said quietly with a nod. “So, I understand. And I would save you again and again, even knowing that you would notdie.”

Bree shifted toward Eurig so that she could gaze into his face, even if he still refused to meet her eyes. “One day, I hope you’ll tell me what links you so strongly to Taveon. I know you say it is not your story to tell, but it sounds as though it is your story,too.”

Eurig’s jaw clenched tight, rippling the muscles in his face and neck. “I am surprised that you have any interest in hearingit.”

“Of course I’m interested. Whatever happened in the past has obviously made you into the fae you aretoday.”

“Last time I checked, you were not particularly fond of the fae I amtoday.”

“Stop being so bristly. You just came to my rescue. Don’t think I don’t understand that you put your life on the line just so that I would not have to suffer. Maybe I wasn’t that fond of you when we first met, but people can change their minds.” Bree reached out, slowly, as if she were about to touch a snake. The very tip of her finger grazed his arm. Eurig stiffened, and finally he shifted to faceher.

“You would have done the same.” His golden eyes glittered as he stared at her, and Bree’s breath caught in her throat. He was impossibly gorgeous. She couldn’t help but see it now. It was as though her eyes had seen one thing all along, but her mind had seen another. And now they were finally linked, coming together to reveal the full truth of him. And the truth was…he was one of the most breathtaking creatures she’d ever seen, his dark hair, those bright glowing eyes, and those muscles that could rival the largesttank.

“I might have done the same. Or I might have run screaming in the other direction, which...was exactly what I did when he came charging after me.” Bree tried on a smile, doing her best to see the humor in the situation. Because if she couldn’t laugh at herself, who could she laugh at? She might be brave at times, but she wasn’t perfect. And seeing that terrifying bird lion had made every last shred of courage disintegrate into nothing more thanash.

To her relief, Eurig cracked a smile. It made his entire face light up, a fact that was highlighted by the fire that had begun to burn bright before them. She tried her best not to stare at him, though that was next to impossible. Now that she had opened her eyes to the full sight of him, it was like her mind could not shut it out. She stared at the slick skin of his neck and how his body curved perfectly over his muscles. Swallowing hard, she glancedaway.

“Well, after such an eventful day, it is probably time for us to get some sleep,” Eurig said, breaking the silence between them. But Bree did not want to sleep. She’d only just woken up after passing out from the attack. She knew that she needed to continue resting, as pain still lanced through her back. But she yearned for companionship. She and Eurig had only just begun to break through the barrier they’d both erected between them. Bree had a strange feeling that if she let herself drift off to sleep, everything would go back to how they’d been before theattack.

And that was the last thing she wanted tohappen.