“The first village is further than a single day’s ride. We will need to enter the forest first, and then make camp for the night.” He shot her grim smile. “It would have been nice for the King to teach you about the various creatures who call the forest home. Because there is no doubt that we will have to fight them at one point or another on ourjourney.”

Bree stiffened. When Taveon had first told her about the Academy, he had mentioned sessions about poisons and creatures and flora and fauna. But the full weight of it had never truly sunk in. She had been so distracted by Taveon, so enraged by his supposed cruelty. The truth was, he had always intended to teach her more, but they hadn’t reached that point yet. And now she was about to get a very hands-onlesson.

“Creatures worse than the Wilde Fae?” Bree asked with a raisedeyebrow.

“The Wilde Fae are merely fae who are a bit more vicious than the rest of us. They are, simply, wild.” That strange smile of his stayed locked on his face. “The creatures, on the other hand, are something else entirely. They are like our beasts, only without that extra bit of…well, I cannot say humanity because shapeshifters are not humans, but you know what Imean.”

A shiver raced down Bree’s spine. If the forest was truly full of creatures like Bree’s beast, without the ability to shapeshift into a more human-like form, then it was chilling indeed. And slightly terrifying, though she wasn’t about to admit her fear toEurig.

“Great,” Bree said, failing to keep the lighthearted tone in hervoice.

“Don’t worry,” Eurig said with a chuckle. “I’ll keep yousafe.”

Bree narrowed her eyes and shot Eurig a scowl. “Look, dude. I don’t need you to protect me. I can certainly protectmyself.”

“Of course you can,” Eurig said with a slight roll of his eyes. “You have seen everything this realm can throw at you while you have been tucked away in that castle of yours and your perfect little chambers with your soft bed and warm fire and all those males who want nothing more than to protectyou.”

Bree glared at him, tightening her grip on the reins. “Don’t act like you think you know everything about me. You have no idea what I’ve been through, and yes, that includes my time spent in this realm. I didn’t always have those chambers, you know. I was a prisoner when I first arrived, chained and locked away in a cage, like an animal in a zoo. Not that you have any idea what a zoo evenis.”

Oh, he was infuriating. A part of her wished she could turn around and go straight back to the castle, so she could come up with a plan to save the Court on her own. But she knew that was hopeless. As much as she hated to admit it, Eurig knew far more about the realm that she did. She wouldn’t even know where to begin looking. Not that she was going to tell himthat.

“I know what a zoo is. And I know what it’s like to be chained and what it’s like to be caged. Do not forget I am a shapeshifter like you, and my life has been far from perfect, too. You are not the only one with a sad story, Bree. You would do well to rememberthat.”

Once again, Bree cut her eyes his way, curiosity nibbling her brain. What was his story? She hated that she wanted to know his past as much as she did. But she couldn’t help herself. There was a story there. One that she felt might mirror her own, though that was impossible. How could his life have been anything like hers? He certainly didn’t look any worse forwear.

In fact, he looked downright gorgeous. A fact that annoyed the shit out ofBree.

They fell silent for a while after that, the only sound the hoofbeats on the dirt path that cut through the vivid grass. As the moments stretched into hours, the moon began to dip low behind the horizon. Pinks and reds and brilliant blues lit up the sky like fireworks, and Bree couldn’t help stare with her mouth slightly open in awe. She had seen a moonset once before, when Rafe had snuck her out onto the highest balcony in the highest tower. It had been brilliant then, and it was brilliant now. Different but beautiful all thesame.

Eurig caught her staring, and for once, his smile seemed somewhat genuine. “Beautiful, eh? I have never seen a moonset quite like thisone.”

“The sunsets in the human realm are beautiful, but I have to admit they do not compare tothis.”

“Well, that would be because the moon and the sun are very different beasts. Darkness and light are polar opposites, but there is great beauty in both, if one looks close enough to seeit.”

His words warmed her, even with the chilly night air clinging to her skin. At the fork in the path, Eurig took the left path instead of going straight on to the Faerie Ring. They were headed away from the fields and toward the forest. A dark hulking monstrosity that rose up menacingly before them, like a swarm of shadows that would swallow them whole. As they grew closer and closer to the trees, the forest seemed to stretch out for miles on either side of them. Indeed, Bree swore she could not see a beginning or an end to them. The forest seemed unending, and it chilled her to think that they would soon ride straight into the very heart ofit.

When they reached the tree line, Eurig brought the horse to a stop and jumped down off his steed. He motioned for Bree to do the same, taking her reins when her feet hit theground.

Bree lifted an eyebrow and watched him get to work on building a fire with some twigs he found around the perimeter of the forest. “I thought we were going to camp out in the forest tonight. You said it was halfway from the castle to thevillage.”

Eurig let out a low chuckle and shook his head. “It would have been halfway if we had been riding at my speed. But you slowed us down. Besides, you know nothing about the forest. It will be safer for us to camp out here instead of in the depths ofit.”

Bree crossed her arms across her chest. “You don’t think I have it in me. Well, I would like you to know that I am perfectly capable of going into the forest and camping out there instead of here. In fact, I insist uponit.”

“Too late, Redcap Girl.” Eurig threw some more twigs on top of the building pile and sunk down to his knees. “We’ve already stopped, and the moon will be behind the horizon within moments. It is far too late for us to ride to the next safe circle within the trees. It would take us a good two hours, and trust me, you do not want us to be riding through the forest in thedark.”

Bree let out a frustrated sigh, but she could see that there was no use in arguing with him any longer. He had made up his mind. And besides, as much as she wanted to prove him wrong, she knew he was right. The only evidence the moon had ever been in the sky was the slightest sliver of dark blue streaking across the horizon. Darkness loomed large, shadows clinging to everything around them. They needed to get a fire going and soon. It would be hard enough to see with the flames, much less riding on the path in this heavy of darkness, adding trees and dangerous creatures into themix.

“Please. Continue to stand there, staring at the forest while I do all of the work for us.” Eurig tossed a couple more limbs onto the pile and then made magic with some grass. Sparks shot through the darkness, and soon flames had begun to engulf the branches. Bree strode over to his side and dropped down onto the grass, staring into the flickering flames of thefire.

“What is it you would like me to do?” Bree asked, hating that she had to take second in command. But she had to admit that he knew far more about this camping out business that shedid.

“Stay here and stoke the fire. I will find a something for us to eat for the night.” Eurig pushed up from the ground, his muscles rippling as he moved. Bree stared after him and swallowed hard, her eyes catching on every ridge of his shoulders, his biceps, and even his back through his tight tunic. He was so strong and powerful, much more powerful than she had first given him creditfor.

Eurig turned and caught her look, and then a slight smile spread across his face. “Anyrequests?”

Bree flushed. What was he asking? Did he really think that she would make that kind of request from him? Sure, she had been appreciating his outward appearance, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about the inner part of him. And besides, it was pretty rich of him to assume that just because they were traveling together that she would give that part of herself to him. Fully and completely, in a way she only ever had withRafe.