The words fell out of her mouth in a rush. They were thoughts that had been building inside of her since she’d come to Underworld, to this castle, to this strange world where the truth of fae could not be taken at face value. Yes, Dagen had “redeemed” himself by finally taking Taveon’s side during the Battle for the Crown, but why had he done it? And was it all just some sort of act? He had been the one who had asked Bree to spy for him in the first place. He’d been the one who had almost turned Bree against Taveoncompletely.
No matter what he’d done since then, those were facts that she could never, everforget.
“What I want is what I have always wanted: what is best for this realm. For the longest time, I did not believe that Taveon was that, but I have now seen the error in my ways.” He took a step closer, and Bree’s body went tense. “What is best for this realm is for our King, who was crowned only days ago, to take command. We need him on his throne. Not in his bed. I shudder to think what will happen if we cannot savehim.”
So, he had come to the very same conclusion Bree had. Not a surprise considering that he was an expert on all things political, and he’d been the Hand of the King for Midas. Hell, he was probably three steps ahead of Breealready.
She gave him a slight nod and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt for once. “Have you foundanything?”
Lifting his eyebrows, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Haveyoufound anything,Bree?”
“No.” A beat passed. “But maybe we’d be better off combiningforces.”
She couldn’t believe she was suggesting it. Only days before, she’d sworn to herself to never work with Dagen again, but here she was. Asking and hoping and praying he’d say yes. Searching for answers alone made no sense. Together, they could cover far more ground and much more quickly. Taveon would be back on his feet a hell of a lot faster if Bree swallowed herpride.
It was a long while before Dagen deemed to answer, loosing a breath as he ran a hand down his face. “You will have to excuse my surprise, Bree. It was not very long ago that you were insistent on staying away fromme.”
“Yeah, well. I think maybe I made a mistake, too, and now I’m seeing the error of my ways. We’re better off working together on this. I want what’s best for the realm, too, and what’s best is getting this curse off of Taveon as quickly aspossible.”
“Good. Then, it is settled. We will work together onthis.”
“Okay,” Bree said with a nod. “What did you have inmind?”
Dagen stepped closer to her, and Bree swore she could feel his masculine power radiating off his body in waves. “We need to get the entire Court in one room again. Look each fae in the eye. See if we can prod them for information. Someone must knowsomething.”
“All in one room,” Bree repeated. She was following the conversation but only slightly. Somehow, she’d gotten a little preoccupied with his lips. They were so very close to hers, and she felt inexplicably drawn to them. She licked her own lips, wondering if he could feel the same tension shedid.
“We had the celebration after the coronation, but it is not unheard of for a new King to throw a separate ball not long after he takes the throne. It is a way to...” Dagen stopped speaking when Bree licked her lips again. “Bree.”
“Yes?” she asked, body buzzing fromelectricity.
“You are distractingme.”
“No, you’re the one distracting me,” shewhispered.
He reached up and cupped her cheek with his palm, sighing as she leaned against his touch. She couldn’t help herself. There was something about Lord Dagen that called to her. Whatever bond they shared, it was far different than what she shared with Taveon and with Rafe, but there was no denying that it was there. At times, she’d been able to push it aside but not now. She wanted comfort and closeness. And she wanted it fromhim.
“Bree,” he whispered softly. “What has changed in you? I thoughtyou...”
He left off his final words, but Bree knew what they were all the same. He thought she hated him. And she had. Well, kind of. She had distrusted him. She had feared his motivations were not what they had seemed. And, truth be told, she still couldn’t be certain that he was beinggenuine.
It didn’t change the fact that she wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on herskin.
“Kiss me,” she said, finding a courage she did not know she had. “Please.”
He sucked in a ragged breath and drew her closer, drinking her in with his bright eyes. He pulled her mouth toward his and kissed her hard, his fingers digging into the strands of her hair. She moaned against him, letting herself get lost in the feel of him. He held her with a strength and certainty that made her kneesshake.
Bree pressed her body against him, her breasts brushing against his chest. The moan that escaped his throat sent a tight thrill through her gut. Her fingers fumbled with his tunic, a new intense desire sweeping through her core. She no longer just wanted to kiss him. She wanted to feel him. Every part of him. And she wanted him inside of hernow.
Her fingers dipped into his waistband, and he gasped. Suddenly, he was five feet across the room, his hair disheveled and his cheeks pink. Disappointment churned in her gut, as well as embarrassment. Did he not want her,too?
“Not like this, Bree. Not here.” He gazed around them at the skulls and the bones. King Midas’s chambers. She had to admit that it wasn’t the sexiest place she could think of, but that hadn’t seemed to matter five secondsago.
“You’re just trying to turn me down gently,” she said, twisting away so that he could not see the hurt on herface.
“I am not turning you down,” he said, voice insistent. “But I cannot be with you the way I want to. Not like this. Come back to my quarters with me. Let us leave Midas’s rooms behind. His ghost haunts thisplace.”
But Bree shook her head. The moment had passed, and now she felt like a massive idiot for throwing herself at Dagen in the first place. She’d had a moment of weakness, one she couldn’t haveagain.
Dagen blinked and gave a nod. “Very well, Bree. If that is what you wish. Then, I suppose I will see you tomorrow. Come to my office when you’re done with training. We will work out the details for our ball. And we’ll find whoever has done this to theKing.”