Chapter 8


Taveon felt weakerdue to the amount of strength that Bree had pulled from his body, but he did not mind. He would do it again a million times, just as long as Rafe survived. And he had. Against all odds, Bree had managed to heal Rafe by using Taveon’s healingpowers.

But Taveon had felt Bree’s desire to hold onto that power. He had felt her drawn to that bright, sparkling light that he saw every time he healed a fae. And she had wondered at it, knowing that no part of Underworld ever saw light quite like that. There was no sun there. There was nothing more than a full moon sky lit up by sparklingstars.

He had managed to draw her away from that realization, but he knew it was only a matter of time before her mind drifted back to it, wondering at what it meant. She had come so close so many times to understanding the full truth of him, but he never wanted her to get that close ever again. It would be dangerous for her to know the truth. Not for Taveon but forBree.

Taveon reached out through the bond and caressed Bree’s mind with his own. She was there in an instant, her heart open wide to let him into her soul. Everything within him ached from a kind of desire he had long since felt. He wished he could do more than speak to her in his own mind. He wished he could wrap his arms around her and hold herclose.

“Is something wrong?” sheasked.

“No,” he said. “Nothing more than the usual. I wanted to ask something of you, Bree, though I hate to doso.”

“What is it?” she asked. “I’ll do anything you need me to do, youknow.”

“Just as long as you promise that you will keep yourself safe. Do not be reckless. No matterwhat.”

“I promise,” she said, though Taveon knew deep down inside that this was not a promise Bree could keep. She was reckless and determined and brave. Once she set her mind to a task, to hell with all the rest. He just hoped she understood how careful he wanted her to be. Her safety was far more important to him than anything else. But he also knew she needed something to do or she would drive herself and everyone around hercrazy.

“I need you to look into the curse for me. Quietly. Listen and watch. Learn what you can.” A pause. “My father had old tomes in his chambers. Perhaps you might find some answers there, or perhaps you might be able to overhear someone in the Court discussing what hashappened.”

“Is that it?” He could feel her smile through the bond. “I was going to do that anyway, you know. You didn’t need toask.”

“Thank you, Bree,” he said, hating that she had to be the one to protect him instead of the other way around. He wanted to be her savior. He wanted to be strong and powerful. Forher.

“No problem. Leave it with me. I’ll find whoever did this to you. And I’ll make them bring you back tome.”