Chapter 22


Bree’s heartwas racing so fast that she could barely hear Eurig’s words over the sound of it echoing in her ears. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. First, she’d tiptoed into his room, hoping he would be awake. And then she had braved forward, telling him exactly how she felt. He would probably turn her away now, even though he had been the one to ask thequestion.

If he wanted to know if she was taken, then surely that must mean he cared,right?

“Bree,” Eurig breathed, his entire body tense underneath the small touch of her finger on his chin. “I could never wrong Taveon likethat.”

“It would not be wronging Taveon,” Bree insisted. “He’s more than well enough aware of my feelings for Rafe, and Rafe’s feelings for me. It doesn’t bother him. Trust me, I wouldknow.”

“This is crazy,” Eurig said, but he did not take a step away fromher.

“And why is it so crazy?” Breeasked.

“Have you ever heard of such a thing? Sharing a female? It just is notdone.”

“Well, there you are wrong,” Bree said, her mind flicking back to the things she’d been dwelling on these past few months. “In the Light Fae realm, Greater Fae females have more than one mate all thetime.”

Okay, so that was an exaggeration. It happened, but not all the time. Still, it was evidence that what she was suggesting wasn’t as crazy as Eurig thought. But even if it was, nothing in the world had ever felt more right. She cared for more than one male, and more than one cared for her, and she wouldn’t want it any otherway.

Eurig raised an eyebrow. “Multiplemates?”

Bree nodded, holding her breath and hoping that he wouldn’t find the idea as foreign as she feared. “That’s right. One female. Manymales.”

“Many?” Eurig pursed his lips, lips that Bree was desperate to kiss. “Howmany?”

“Norah, the new Queen of the Light Fae, has four.” Bree’s heart thumped. Andshewanted four. Rafferty, Taveon, Dagen, and now...Eurig. Four Dark Fae males to call her own. They were all so different, yet they all owned a piece of herheart.

“Hmm.” Eurig leaned closer, dropping his forehead to hers. “And the mates...they do not mindthis?”

Bree knew that Eurig was not asking about Norah’s mates, though he hadn’t specified. He was asking about hers. “Norah’s mates understand that she loves them all. And that they loveher.”

There was so much still left unspoken between Bree and Rafe and Taveon, and even Dagen. But she knew they understood her feelings were spread further than toward one single male. Through the bond, Taveon was silent, but Bree knew he was there, watching and listening to her conversation with Eurig. And she knew that he could read the truth in her heart and feel the affection that had been building inside ofher.

He did not object, and hewouldn’t.

Eurig gazed into her eyes as if searching for the truth. For a moment, she thought he would pull away from her once again and deny her the intimacy she yearned from him. But then his lips were on hers, his kiss rough and fast. She clutched his tunic, and her body arched towardhim.

With a grunt, he pulled her on top of his chest so that she was straddling his hips. Between her thighs, she could feel the hard length of him pressing against her core. A delicious thrill shot through her gut, causing a flame to spark tolife.

Her core burned with need as Eurig’s kiss deepened. The scent of him was overwhelming, and she swore she heard the crash of waves on a distant shore. His hand found her hips, squeezing tight as he pulled her harder against hiscock.

By the forest, she wanted him. All ofhim.

Bree pulled back, her breath ragged. She gazed down at him, a new spark of heat bursting forth at the delicious look in his eye. He licked his lips and curled his finger, motioning for her to come back in for anotherkiss.

“I want you inside of me,” she breathed, faceflushing.

It wasn’t like Bree to be so forward, but her outposter was bringing a new side of her out in fullforce.

Eurig’s lips twisted into a wicked smile. He wrapped his arms around her body and flipped her onto the bed. His hands found her tunic, and he’d ripped it in half before she even knew what was happening. Seconds later, he was just as naked as shewas.

She’d seen him naked many times by now but never like this. Never so...aroused. Her core pulsed, and a wetness coated her thighs. That wicked smile still donning his lips, Eurig flipped Bree onto her stomach and lifted her hips into the air so that the entire back of her was exposed to his hungryeyes.

He leaned forward, dropping his head to hers so that he could whisper into her ear. His hot breath tickled her skin, making her entire body dissolve into a trembling mess. “Are you ready for me,Bree?”

She swallowed hard, practically panting with the need for him. “Please.”