Bree stared at Eurig. He was far more than an ant, far more than nothing. If anyone was going to be stomping on anyone else, it would be him and not a queen who had killed her own husband in order to take control of the outposts on the sea. Bree swallowed hard, and she reached her hand out to Eurig, letting the tips of her fingers brush against his leg. She’d known that he’d experienced something in his past, but she’d never guessed it was quite as terrible asthis.

Eurig’s gaze locked on where Bree’s fingers brushed against his skin, and a fierce heat sparked in his eyes. She stared at his chest, at the tightly-coiled muscles that rippled as he moved. She drank in his shoulders, his jaw, and those lips that looked as though they could turn any female into a writhingmess.

“You know that you should not let your Queen define who and what you are.” Bree sucked in a deep breath, forcing herself to be a little bit braver. She shifted her hand even closer, sliding her fingers further onto his leg. “You are one of the strongest fae I’ve ever met. The only one who could ever beat you in a fight is probably Taveon, but only because he has that special gift of his. He could only beat you because he cannotdie.”

A slight smile lifted the corners of his mouth, and he lifted his gaze from Bree’s hand until he looked into her eyes. “You believe Taveon could beatme?”

Bree licked her lips and swallowed hard. “Couldn’the?”

“It depends on what kind of fight we are waging.” Eurig’s hand suddenly appeared over hers, and his fingers slid between her own. His eyes were full of heat, and his words were laced with suggestion. Or at least she thought it was suggestion. Maybe he was just teasing her, like he done at least a dozen timesalready.

But then he leaned closer to her, bringing his face only an inch away from hers. She breathed him in, and the scent of cinnamon, mint, and the sea enveloped her. Her heart rattled in her chest, and her whole body felt tense, as if she were about to jump off the edge of a very tallcliff.

Eurig reached up, and he brushed a thumb against her cheek. Bree practically moaned from the sparks that shot through her. “How are your woundsfeeling?”

He want to talk to talk about wounds right now? The pain was the last thing on her mind, not when both of them were sitting soclosely.

“They’re fine,” she squeaked out, her eyes locking on his fulllips.

He dropped his forehead against hers. Closing his eyes, he sucked in a deep breath, and then he said the words that knocked Bree straight out of the moment and back into reality. “Good. You should get dressed. We need to make our way to thevillage.”