Fillan cracked a grin, crinkling the corners of his eyes. “You lookflustered.”

“Yes, well.” She swallowed hard. “You caught me off guard. You know, just like you usually do. Are you even capable of showing up like a normal person instead of some kind of creepywraith?”

He pressed a hand to his heart and mimed stumbling back. “Ouch. A wraith? How positivelyhorrid.”

Bree crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t pretend to be offended. You’re anything but. Anyway, get on with it. Why the big cloak and dagger scene? What’s so urgent that you had to show yourself in the middle of theparty?”

“I did not show myself. Fillan lifted his mask over his head to reveal his very chiseled jaw. “Now, I am showing myself. To you and youalone.”

Something about the way he spoke those words made Bree’s heart rage like a bull let loose in acrowd.

“I’ve come to warn you that—” He stopped suddenly and cocked his head. A strange expression crossed his face, one that was something akin to half-irritation and half-amusement. “Oh, here we goagain.”

Fillan’s arm shot out, and he wrapped it around Bree’s waist before she had any idea what was happening. She let out a sharp cry of alarm, but his mouth landed on her lips before any sound could escape between them. Eyes wide, she wrapped her hands around his arms and half-heartedly tried to push him away. But then she felt the tightly-coiled biceps and felt the hardness of his perfectly-formed chest. And his lips…they shot a delicious thrill down to her toes, and her entire body sighed againsthim.

Traitor, Bree thought to herself. Her treacherous body would just not listen to the warnings she screamed inside her head.He’s dangerous. Get away from him. Run! Run very faraway...

But instead, she curled toward him, her back arching as his soft lips moved sensually againsthers…

“Not again,” a sharp voice called out from behindher.

With a gasp, Bree jumped back at least five feet to put as much distance between her and Fillan as she could. Her heart lurched against her ribs, rattling like the tracks of a train. She spun on her feet, knowing exactly what she would find before she even sawit.

Conlan and Branok. Again. And they were scowling at her as if she were the grossest bug they’d ever laid eyeson.

“Lord Conlan. Lord Branok.” She gave each a slight bow of her head. “I canexplain.”

“No need to,” Conlan said as he narrowed his eyes. “Clearly, your affection for the King only goes so far. If you want to lie in bed with an assassin, it’s your head, notours.”